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21.00 hours

February 2026

Ramstein AFB, Germany

Joseph Mueller

Two months.

It has been almost two months since I got here last end-of-December, and things just kept getting hotter. Hostiles close in dangerously from multiple sides, and civilians fleeing the fighting depend on us for protection.

Having just got back an hour ago from a search-and-destroy mission against a hostile artillery battery commander, I reminisced over how the mission went smoothly. Under the cover of darkness, one 7.62x51 mm round fired from a silenced FN Mk20, and he was a goner. Never saw it coming. We silently eliminated some of his key underlings as well, before we called in the airstrikes on their self-propelled artillery and their stores of poison gas shells. Ah... another job well done. I took some time to make myself a coffee as I wrote my diary in the barracks.

What are we doing here? Well, after I transferred to the SF and underwent training, soon enough I got the deployment order to Germany. Or to be exact, what's left of it. There was a coup-de-etat against the German government a couple years ago, led by "former" ISIS militants and warlords, and now much of the place has been occupied under a rogue state known as the Daesh Almania – aka Islamic State of Almania – led by a certain warlord named Wahid Al-Khawarij. The Germans undoubtedly had the tech advantage, but like Joseph Stalin said once, quantity has a quality all its own.

In other words, numbering around 220 thousand combining both the Bundeswehr and the police, the German combatant side got outnumbered ten to one by the subset of the "New Europeans" who side with Wahid's faction.

Following a series of nerve gas attacks in strategic spots in Berlin, everyone in the Reichstag was either captured or brutally massacred by squads of jihadist gunmen, or just went missing altogether. Then they started persecuting everyone else. Everyone but their diaspora of so-called "New Europeans". Christians, atheists, et cetera and all dissenters, mostly but not exclusively natives, were regularly rounded up and beheaded or shot on open plazas and on the streets, should they refuse to submit to their order and convert to the new state's radical and genocidal ideology. Children were often taken at a young age to be indoctrinated to become their fanatical soldiers. Women were routinely captured and used by the militants as sex slaves or sold to their friends in the Middle East, Sweden or Britain for the same purpose. Churches were blown up with tanks or artillery often with the parishioners still inside, and their priests and pastors dragged out to the death row for allegations of blasphemy. Even the lefties who used to spend the last decades kissing their asses and licking their boots were quickly double-crossed. Indeed, evil has taken over. It was ISIS the sequel.

And we are here to turn the tide...

The White house had authorized the US Army Europe's full use of military force against the Daesh Almania, though this time we don't really have the rest of NATO on our backs. Except for those to the east, most of the NATO had either fallen to civil war with their own homegrown terror groups or are struggling with invasions from neighboring rogue states. Naturally, all US Army Europe assets within the other countries are assisting against their terrorist problem as well. Or in other words, we've got the NATO countries' back this time. Give it two or three years and we'll restore law and order for our European friends.

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