Chapter One - May Fifth

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The day that my second series of unfortunate events had first started, was my birthday. My friends and I decided to visit our favorite ice cream parlor. Birthdays weren't something that I was very enthusiastic about, or that's what I was supposed to say; with me having been a pessimist and all that. I honestly wouldn't have minded if we just had a simple sleep over. My brithday sometimes got very lonely. I was hoping to ask my girls if they would want to stay over, and maybe binge watch Supernatural. I mean who could resist the sight of Jensen Ackles?

I sat there with a triple scoop serving of chocolate and mint creamy goodness in my hands. It was one of the only three things sat in front of me, that could actually bring me some joy, my friends being the other two. I grinned to myself, eating away, letting my face muscles exercise for the first time in quite a while. Ice cream was my achilles heel.

"Enjoying your birthday Babe?" My friends asked simultaneously with huge grins. I nodded. Now before confusion sets in, I must say, Babe is my actual name. I'll repeat, that is my actual name. My dad had a fascination with Babe Ruth. Unbeknownst to my naive parents, I had been set up for a life of cat calling and ass smacking. My parents are good people. They might have been lead astray at points, but I knew that they were just looking out for my well being. Maybe we didn't have the best of communication, especially after the incident, but they tried.

They had left for a work trip after lunch, though they made up for it by making me some special birthday pancakes and giving me a very meaningful gift. It was a hand knitted beanie from mom and an old typewriter from dad, we had passed the old pawn shop many times and he knew that I had my eye on it. I was extremely thankful.

My friends casually drifted into another conversation whilst I continued to eat in silence. I liked to take mental pictures of moments like these, life is too short, you never know what is going to happen. I spoke from first had experience.

As I scanned the florescent lit up parlor, some one caught my eye. Well it was hard for him not to, as I had felt his on-and-off again stare at the side of my face from when we had entered. At first I thought that maybe he was mistakening me for someone else, I did look like a generic wattpad girl after all.

He was sitting alone in a booth on the far end, with a clear view to our table. The juke box near by was playing an old retro song, I didn't know the name, but the soft almost jazzy beat had my foot tapping. There wasn't much that stood out about him, except for how well he fit in with the oldie theme of the parlor.

He a leather jacked on with his hair gelled back messily, giving him this whole eighties I'm a bad boy, who fixes bikes in my spare time look. I would normally find that sort of thing amusing. Maybe I did. But he managed to pull it off well. Especially with the dull yellow glow from the lights above that made him look as if he were straight out of an older movie.

It wasn't odd for me to have been full on ogling at him, because once my interest it peaked, it's very hard for me to stop. I wanted to talk to him.

"Babe? Did you hear what I said?" Melissa asked as she shook my shoulder. I snapped out of my daze to meet her eyes, I knew that look. It was the kind of look that told you that she was about to lay down some serious tea.

"What?" I asked, sucking onto my spoon. I turned to face them, the ice cream almost finished.

"I heard from Regina who heard from Max, who heard from his uncle's friend that the Andrews son is coming home today." The Andrews were the talk of the town at one point. I'm not too sure what exactly it was about, but I did remember that it had to do with their delinquent child. He moved soon after. We hadn't talked much, so I could hardly even remember his face.

"I heard that he was expelled for sneaking into the girls locker room." Lexy said smirking.

"No. I don't think that is true. He was put into jail for robbery. Besides why would a guy who used to have girls flock to him need to sneak into the girls change rooms?" Mel, said. I just scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Hey you were the Andrew's neighbour. What actually happened to Jess?" Melissa asked as she rested her cheek on her palm and gave me her full attention. She was a sucker for gossip. But unfortunately for her, I had none.

"I am not sure. But it was definitely none of those things that you guys think happened." I chuckled, taking another spoon of ice cream into my mouth.

"What do you think he looks like now?" Lexy asked with a blush covering her cheeks. She used to have a crush on Jess, from middle school. The puppy dog love of hers that got away.

"I am not sure, the last time we saw him, he was fourteen or fifteen. He must have definitely changed. I mean boys get hit with major growth spurts at that age." I admitted.

"That's true. They get so freaken tall. Lord knows, the must have probably been trees in their past lives." Melissa snidely commented. Lex and I started to laugh. Melissa's boyfriend towered over her, hence the little irritation she had with it.

Though I didn't understand why, he could always reach the top shelf for her and carry her on his shoulders at a concert to see. And when he'd hold her, her whole form would be covered in warmth. I sighed, I hated being alone. My depression slowly kicked in, one that I always felt guilty about, so I tried to force it away.

"Hey do you guys maybe want to have a sleep over tonight?" I asked as I finished up the ice cream.

"Oh I am sorry Babe, but I had an early shift at the old age home today, I won't manage to make it past 9pm at this rate." Melissa yawned. She loved the job, mainly because the job came with gossip. And who better than the greatest spies to get it from, if not the old aunties that lived there.

"I can't either, I have to help my sister with her wedding preparations tonight." Lexy said with remorse, giving me a sheepish look.

"It's cool." I shrugged to which they both turned to give me concerned and apologetic glances. "I am okay guys, stop looking at me like I am some wounded puppy." I shoved Lexy's arm making her chuckle. Eventually we all split up. I decided to walk home after much fuss from my friends who had tried their best to convince me not to.

I loved nights. The air was always cold, the world was silent and everything looked so much better under the moon's dimmed glow. I had one of my ear phones plugged in and the other hanging out, just swinging from side to side. I had nothing playing, I preferred less noise, when things get too noisy I start to get stressed out.

I took a deep breath, the fresh ice air waking up my system. It was an okay day. I expected more as it was my eighteenth birthday, but I guess you can't really ask for more other than great friends and a loving family. I felt so ungrateful, but I couldn't help how I felt so unsatisfied with life. And with that I started to feel a hollow pit in my heart.

I had my off moments at times, but this sadness was something else all together. So I dropped my blurring gaze, trying to hide my eyes, not that there was anyone besides myself to hide from.

I focused onto the sound of my shoes scraping softly agasint the sidewalk, willing my emotions to stay at bay. I felt the pain in my heart slowly dull out. I paused for a moment and looked up. I took another deep breath and stared up at the unusually clear night sky. The stars glistened with pride, urging me to smile.

And finally I let a small; very much forced one slip, pushing my black glasses up the bridge of my nose. I was about to carry on walking when the silence around me was interrupted, I heard another pair of feet come to a stop. I froze, a tingling sensation shot right through my stomach. It was as if someone was right behind me.

I dared to turn around, but there was no one in sight. Classic. As an avid horror watcher, I knew this situation all too well. But all I could have done was to just shake it off and start my walk again, only this time I was walking noticeably faster than before. I was quick to reach my house, just as I went for the door, I heard another open and shut.

My breathing faltered for a second and my heart began racing. I turned around, to only be met with, once again, the eerily calm and still night. Though I couldn't quite shake away the feeling of eyes watching me.

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