Chapter Sixteen ♪ May Eighteenth

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"It's going to be okay honey." Mom and dad sat at the edge of my hospital bed. I had gotten my thigh stitched up and was being kept in for further treatment. I was booked to meet my therapist. But thankfully I only had to go when I was able to walk.

"I know mom." I answered almost out of instinct. I never really liked to be a burden. I liked to deal with these sort of things on my own. Dad was silent, though the worry in his eyes could have said more than a thousand words and a million books.

"Mrs and Mr Mathews I presume?" My doctor stepped in, the usual white lab coat and clipboard in hand.

"Yes." Dad answered, getting up from his chair.

"I would like if we could speak in the other room please?" And I knew that wasn't a good sign, it was exactly the same as last time. Mom squeezed my hand lightly before leaving.

I had a security guard by my room door. No one was allowed in without my or my parents permission. After everything I hadn't heard from him since. Yes it was Jess who came and saved the day. But who I didn't expect to barge in after him was Wes.

I didn't know why both of them were together, and not killing each other. And frankly, I didn't want to know. Right now all I wanted to know was if Jess was okay and when was the next time I could see him.

As soon as he saw my state yesterday it was as if a switch flicked off in his head and he went into a full on raging attack. Wes was frozen in shock, staring at Mel, Mel was too, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

I would have never forgetten the heart broken look on Wes's face as I laid on the table, bleeding out onto the glass. I felt disgusting and exposed.

My body was shaking violently, so hard that you could even hear it hit against the table.  Not long after, with many crunches of bones cracking, Jess shoved Jake out of his grip. Jake laid on the floor, unresponsive. I didn't dare look, I didn't want to see his face.

Jess rushed over to me. I looked away, I was not in a good state, I didn't want to see the disgust in his eyes. 

But all he did was quickly untie me and grab me in his arms. He rushed me upstairs and wrapped me into a towel before putting me onto the bed. "You are so brave. I am proud of you Babe. Thank you for hanging in there." He kissed my forehead and pretended that the little tense from my body wasn't there. 

He passed me a pair of undergarments and a pad. I changed, waiting for the cops to arrive. I knew the drill. Even though I wanted a shower, I knew they would need the evidence. I sat back down, I couldn't really move well because of the deep slit in my right thigh. So ally when they showed up I was quickly escorted into an ambulance. Jess sat with me right through the trip, he held my hand tightly, gently caressing my knuckles. I wasn't able to make eye contact with him. I was embrassed. After that everything was a blur, speaking to the cops, getting swabs and tests done.

Which brought us back to now. I turned my head to the side, looking out the window. It was a bright sunny day. A day that promised smiles and laughter. But all I got was loneliness and betrayal.

There was a soft knock at my door. It was the guard. "There is a Lexy Travis here to see you." I nodded, not knowing what was going to happen. If she was here to start with me, I don't think I'd be able to deal with her shit.

So I took a breath, preparing myself. And then she ran in, tears on her cheeks, a bunch of balloons and a food basket in hand. She dropped the things onto the sofa and rushed to grab me in a hug.

"Oh my god Babe. I so sorry. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I should have been there. I didn't mean to be such a bitch." And surprisingly I found myself hugging her back. I began sobbing uncontrollably unto her shoulder. Lex began to cry harder as well." I love you so much, I'm so sorry." she managed in between sobs. It took us ten minutes to sober up, my eyes were red and puffy. Just like hers.

"I heard about her. How could she do such a thing?"

"Never judge a book by its cover." I just shrugged, trying to hide the pain. She nodded, and we fell into silence. But it was something that I welcomed. Too much happened too fast, I wanted everything to slow down.

"Jess is outside. He wasn't sure if you would want to see him so soon. So he asked me if I could check up on you." I frowned, not knowing what he meant by that.

"Lex, you can tell him to come in."

"Are you sure?" she scanned my face for any hesitance, and when she found none she nodded and walked off. I knew that she still liked him, but she seemed to be controlling herself well.

A few long quiet minutes later he walked in. He looked like a mess. But he was able to make anything look good. I couldn't help but smile widely at him. But he didn't smile back.

"Babe." He whispered, his eyes taking in my form, making sure that I was safe and okay. He looked as though he hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Jess." I whispered back. His eyes glazed over and he ran to me. 

"I am so happy that you are okay. I don't know what I'd do without you." A few tears of his dropped onto my cheek as he hugged me tight, kissing every inch of my face. It was a little painful, but I loved it.

Again, there it was. The little doorway letting me in.

"Thank you for coming for me yesterday." He pulled away to look me in the eyes.

"You are mine Babe Mathews, and no way in hell am I letting you get hurt. Anyone who dares to even look at you in the wrong way will have to pay." And there it was. The danger. The fire. The blood lust in his deep brown eyes.

"You are one of a kind Jess." I didn't dare to drop my gaze, all my worries washed away and a wave of warmth covered my heart.

"You have no idea." In a second his lips were on mine. It was heated and deep. There was so much of emotion and a promise of protection in that one kiss, it even rendered me speechless. Something I found myself often feeling around him.

"Babe we have to te-" My parents froze at the door entrance. Jess quickly pulled away, and took three steps away from me. My dad eyed him suspiciously. But they didn't say anything.

"Babe we have to talk." Mom started. "In private." She said with a subtle glare towards Jess.

"Go ahead." I said, reaching over and pulling Jess closer to me. He was there when they weren't. They left me alone when they should have been by my side. I always tried to convince myself that I was okay during their absence. But I couldn't lie to myself any longer. I needed them by my side. But they weren't there.

Mom noticed my hostility and decided to comply. "We want to send you to a treatment center in London. The best therapists and doctors would be there to monitor you."

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"It is for your own good honey. We don't know what this second attack could do to you. We need to be prepared." Dad started.

"But I don't want to go-"

"You are and that is final." Dad said with a tired sigh. I knew I was too much to handle, I just never thought it would have come to that.

Jess was awfully quiet and tensed next to me. He had a frown attached to his face as he looked at the floor. I knew that look, he was trying to keep himself at bay. Heck so was I.

♪Author's Note♪

Wazzup peeps!!!! It's you girl El♥ here😜

If there are any flaws in the story line, do let me know. I know there might be a lot of spelling, missing words and faulty grammar. But I will fix that once I am done with the book. So please bare with me🙈


1. What will happen if Babe is sent away?

2. What do you think Jess would do?

3. What do you think happened to Mel and Wes's relationship?

Feel free to drop your answers in the comment section. I love hearing from readers and meeting new people♥♥♥

Enjoy. Vote. Comment. Ellipsis167

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