Chapter Zero-Point-Five (SF)

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*A/N: First ever deleted scene before the book even starts? WHAAAAA?*


Hunter sits down on the end of my bed, before swinging his legs up and positioning his arm under my head. I snuggle into him, trying not to hurt myself like before.

"Tee, I wasn't counting on two at once, and I know you weren't either."

I nod.

"But it's okay. Because you and I, we're going to make it. And we'll be able to do this."

I sigh. "It's funny," I say. "The whole time I was pregnant, I couldn't wait to have my body to myself again." I look back at Addy and Chase, sleeping peacefully. "But now, I don't ever want to be away from them. I have to keep them safe."

"I know," he says softly, kissing my hair.

"We can do this, Hunt. We can do it together."

"Together," he says softly. "The way it'll be for the rest of our lives."



We go home from the hospital the day after the kids are born, and I've been fixed up. I sit in the car, half asleep, and the twins are buckled in to the back seat. Hunter drives us home, and he shakes me awake gently when we get home.

"C'mon Tee," he says softly. "Home."

I don't really move. My hips and back hurt too much to do anything, even now. Hunter takes the kids inside; apparently Trey set the second crib up in our bedroom, so that we didn't have to. Then he comes back and carries me bridal style and lays me on the bed.

"You okay? Is something hurting?"

"So tired," I mumble. "Back... and hips... and whole body, really..."

"Do you want me to put some heat rub on it?" he asks me gently, and I nod.

"Please. Maybe it'll feel better."

"I'll get you a few aspirins as well, they'll help you with the pain."

I just nod weakly, and he covers me in blankets, gently kissing my forehead, before leaving to get me the aspirin and the heat rub. In the few minutes he takes to get them, I fall asleep again. Before I know it, he's shaking me awake again.

"Tee, come on, two more minutes and you can sleep, okay?" he asks softly. "Please?"

"Mmm," I say, and he brushes my hair away from my face.

"There you go. Roll over so that I can fix up your back, then you can have the aspirin, okay?"

"Okay," I say, and he moves my shirt up to uncover the small of my back. He starts massaging the gel in and gently as he can, and I hiss in pain.

"It's okay," he says softly, slowing down a little, and rubbing my back a little lower down, exactly where it was hurting the worst. "This'll make it better, I promise."

I grit my teeth and nod. "Uh huh."

"Is this okay?" he asks, massaging my hips gently, but firmly. I nod tightly once, and he keeps murmuring softly, comforting me. Involuntarily, I cry out a little in pain.

"Hey, hey," he says quietly. "It's okay. You're okay."

"Hurts more than I thought," I say, gasping a little.

Love Makes Me (A HunTia novella, A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now