Fact File #4: Pippa Grace Alabaster

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Pippa Grace Alabaster/ Pippa Grace Hayes


DOB: 19th December, 2014

Occupation: Baker/ Barista

Hair: Goes up to ribcage, soft, wavy and brown

Eyes: Aquamarine

Favourite colour: Ocean blue, like Chase's eyes

Favourite food: Banana bread

Allergies: n/a

Pet peeves: People who lie to her, when someone talks too loudly, people who like her only for her looks

Hobbies: Baking, playing violin, helping around the house


1. Pip was named after the Duchess of Cambridge's younger sister, since Ben had this weird thing for the royal family.

2. She doesn't know where she got her eyes, since Ben has hazel eyes and Nat has brown ones.

3. She wears a tiny bit of makeup, but prefers to go au naturale.

4. She tried (and failed) to teach Hunter how to play the violin.

5. She was originally Chase's godsister (Tia made Nat the godmother of both Addy and Chase), but when they noticed how attached the two were, Tia quickly changed the godmother to Peyton so that she and Chase could get married.

6. Her favourite movie is 'Despicable Me'.

7. Logan would constantly braid her hair.

8. She once wanted to be a mathematician, and decided against it after discovering that she was terrible at maths.

9. She tends to roll her eyes a lot.

10. Her favourite sound is hearing Chase play guitar.

11. Her favourite song, even when she didn't know who it was about, was 'Hearts and Rockets', immediately after Chase played it for her.

12. She loves bugs. Oh, and scaring Chase with bugs.

eg. "Oh, C..."


"Look at this!" Pippa opens her hand, revealing a black, shiny beetle. Chase runs away, screaming. She starts laughing hysterically.

"PIP, THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" he shrieks. "Get that thing away from me!"

"You're right," she says, putting on a totally straight face. "It's not funny. It's freaking hilarious."

"Gosh, I hate you sometimes," mutters Chase.

"No, you still love me," she says indifferently.

He suddenly smiles, kissing her forehead. "Yeah," he whispers sweetly. "I do."

13. She believes that all living things should be allowed to live. She once killed an insect, and didn't stop crying over it for two consecutive days, after which she never intentionally killed anything ever again.

14. She is a vegetarian.

15. She doesn't really have an outlook on life, but she thinks YOLO is overrated.

16. She has a fear of thunderstorms.

17. She is the only person who can make the perfect sandwich (in Chase's opinion)

18. If Chase ever yells "WOMAN, MAKE ME A SANDWICH!" as a joke, she'll immediately reply with: "NO, YOU MAKE ME A SANDWICH!"

19. Out of all eight kids, the only one who got her eyes was Pierce, the second youngest.


Pippa marries Chase (you saw that part in his fact file) and opens a small café in Nashville. Chase plays there often, and she baked wedding cakes for Logan, Vivian, Addy and even Taylor, although she may or may not have sneaked a litre or so of vinegar into Taylor's one... BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT.

*A/N: So... hi :D

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