Chapter Nineteen-Point-Five (FTFBO)

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*A/N: FIRST DELETED SCENE!! This is a scene from FTFBO, from between Ch. 19 and Ch. 20 (hence the name 19.5). Dedication goes to @HayniacGirl, for replying when I asked what she wanted :) Enjoy!!*



"Hunter, I don't know what they want with you, but they want me. They want me back badly."
"Don't think about that. I don't care what they want with me, I care that you're in danger."
"But-" I cut her off, kissing her again, trying to get her mind off her parents. She looks dazed when she pulls away again. I groan, and try to pull her back, but she resists.
"But, what if they do something to you? What if they hurt you?"
"I don't care."
I kiss her again, and she responds. I pull her closer, craving her taste, her touch, her smell.
"I love you," she whispers.
"I love you more," I whisper back.
"We'll see about that," I say, before pulling her towards me and kissing her again.



I wake up to find Tia lying on my chest, sleeping. Her legs are tangled with mine, and she looks exhausted, but still beautiful.
She sighs in her sleep, nestling herself closer to me, and I feel my heart flutter. Sam walks in.
"Oh my gosh," he mutters. "You two, honestly."
"What?" I ask, a smile playing on my lips.
He ignores me, and shows me a catalogue. "Have you seen this before?"
I shake my head, pretending to not know what it was. Of course, I know exactly what it is, but I want to keep it a secret. Sam raises his eyebrows. He knows me well enough to know when I'm lying.
"Funny," he says. "It had a bookmark, which just happens to be a guitar pick that says For The Love Of Music. Who owns that in the bus again?"
"Um..." I say.
"You know which page was bookmarked, Hunter?" he asks, and I frantically motion for him to shut up. "Engagement rings."
"Mmm..." Tia stirs in her sleep, and Sam freezes. When she stays asleep, he rolls his eyes and smiles at me.
"Hunter, why didn't you just tell me, man?"
"I wanted to keep it a secret," I mutter.
Sam smiles at me, then his eyes fall on Tia. "I won't deny that you're a lucky guy, dude. She's not gonna refuse."
I smile a little. "You think so?"
"I know so," he says. "Nothing to do today, we're just going interstate, then a radio interview at 3. You can spend the whole day in bed with her." He winks.
"You made that sound so much dirtier by winking."
"That was my intention." He smirks, before leaving the room, taking the catalogue with him. Hopefully, he'll know to hide it somewhere Tia won't look. He's probably already seen the ring that I've circled, the one I'm probably going to buy.
Tia slowly stirs, before waking up, and smiling sleepily at me. "Hi," she murmurs.
"Hey," I whisper back, and she moves further up my chest, closer to my lips.
"What do we have to do today?"
"Nothing, really. Just a radio interview at around three."
"Let's have a lazy day," she says. "I'm really tired..."
"I know, baby, you work hard on your opening performance," I say to her.
"How do you stay so energetic?" she asks sleepily.
"Practice," I reply, stroking her face gently.
"You're amazing, you know that?" she asks me, closing her eyes and nuzzling her nose against mine. I feel my heart begin to beat faster, and I search for her lips in the dark. The sweet taste of chocolate suddenly fills my mouth, and I kiss her gently. Her hands move up to frame my face, perfectly fitting against my skin. I open my mouth a little more, and the burning sensation from her lips becomes a raging fire. Our little moment lasts for about ten minutes until she finally pulls away, and looks me straight in the eyes.
"I love you," I whisper.
"I love you too."
I close the curtains around the bunk and softly begin to kiss her neck. At one point, I hear her breathing hitch.
"Found your sweet spot," I murmur, before moving back up to her lips. As I move my hands to her waist, instead of finding the cotton t-shirt she's wearing, I touch bare skin, and she gasps.
"I'm so sorry!" I whisper, moving my hands away immediately.
"It's fine, it's fine, my shirt rode up, that's all," she whispers back, pulling her shirt back down. I put my hands back on her waist, and hug her closer, gently stroking her hair until she falls asleep. Gosh, I'm lucky to have her. I don't deserve someone this amazing. In a way, I'm glad that this bed on the bus is completely tiny, because otherwise Tia wouldn't have a reason to be so close to me. I move my hand up to the place on her back where, had she been born an angel, she would have wings.
Slowly, my eyes drift shut as well, and I fall asleep.
After Tia and I both wake up, we both leave to go to the radio interview. Devo tags along ("Don't want you two eloping anytime soon!" Matt had said), and we get to the studio within minutes. We're introduced to the radio interviewer beforehand. 
"Hi, I'm Joanna Milfred, I'm interviewing you today. If your friends could just wait to the side during the interview, that'd be wonderful."
"Oh, yeah, sorry," says Tia immediately, walking away with Devo and sitting on the other side of the room. There's a quick ad break, then the show starts, and I'm live on air.
"This is JoJo live with Hunter Hayes!"
"Hey!" I say, smiling.
"So, Hunter, touring and everything, how's that going?"
"It's going good, I'm having a blast. I love being on the road, and love performing every night."
"Wanted topped the charts! How did that make you feel, did you expect it to blow up so quickly?"
I laugh. "You never 'expect' something like that. I mean, you daydream about it, for sure, but you never expect it to actually happen. It's like, a far off dream."
"That makes sense," she says with a smile. "So, what's in store for next year?"
"Definitely a headline tour, that'd be amazing," I say. "Maybe a new single is on the way, you never know."
"Ooh, you know just how to leave us hanging," says Joanna, and I laugh. "So, ever since I tweeted this morning that you would be on the show today, I've been having one, repeated question: 'Is Hunter Hayes single?'"
I hesitate. Then, I start talking.
Joanna's eyes widen. She definitely didn't expect this. "Congratulations! Who's the lucky lady?"
Tia looks up, after talking with Devo, to listen to this conversation. I stare at her as I start talking.
"So, a lot of my fans have probably already figured out who this girl is by now. I am extremely happy to say that I haven't had any hate, you know what I mean? There's no one saying that she's not good enough for me. And I'll be honest, she's not just good enough for me; she's better than I could've imagined. She has the sweetest voice, and the most beautiful eyes..." I trail off, looking Tia straight in the eyes. The lavender colour of them is shimmering slightly, with what I assume is tears, and she looks down, blushing. "The girl I'm lucky enough to call my girlfriend is honestly more of an angel than human. I know that she may not be perfect..."
Tia's eyes shine with tears, and Joanna notices where I'm looking. A small smile spreads across her face as she realises who I'm talking about.
"... she's not perfect," I repeat. "But she's perfect for me. I love her so much."
Joanna grins. "And there ya have it, folks; Hunter Hayes is taken, and happy. You can buy Hunter's new album in stores now..."
Tia smiles, and Devo puts an arm around her shoulders, smiling. I wink at her once.
I'm so lucky to have her.




"Thank you, Kansas City, and g'night!" I yell into the mike. Screams of "Sara! Sara!" reach my ears, and I smile. My new alibi seems to be successful, and that, in itself, is a good thing, no matter how annoying the wig and the contacts are.
I run offstage, where I'm immediately greeted by the band.
"You did great today, Tee." Matt ruffles my wig affectionately.
"Great job!" says Devo.
"We'll celebrate tonight after the show, okay?" asks Steve.
"It's our last show before Christmas!" Sam reminds me.
"Done. The crowd is great tonight, you'll love them," I answer, removing my wig. "See you later!"
Hunter runs into view, looking panicked.
"Have any of you seen my guitar?" We all shake our heads, and he yells in frustration.
"Hunter, Hunter, calm down." I say, grabbing his shoulder before he goes mental. "I'll bet that it's in your dressing room."
"No, I already checked!" 
"Did you really?"
"Okay. I'm going to check."
I walk into his dressing room, and sure enough, his guitar is propped up against the wall. I walk out again, holding it carefully.
Hunter looks flabbergasted.
"But... but I checked... I swear I did-"
"Shh," I say, putting a finger over his lips. "Go out there, and give a great show."
He smiles, and runs onstage, yelling something like "HEY Y'ALL!!!", holding his beloved guitar.
That idiot.
After the show, Hunter and I are sitting together in the bus. Hunter's strumming at his guitar, and writing random lyrics every now and then. I'm just lying down, with my eyes closed, listening to him. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. There hasn't been any sightings of Mother and Father since the car chase, but I'm sure now that they've given up. I'm so glad that there's no one trying to hurt him, no one trying to keep us apart.
Life is perfect.


Is she asleep? I can't tell. She's more beautiful than ever, and her necklace is resting in the hollow of her throat. I finger the Tiffany box in my pocket. Should I wake her up? I'm so nervous. What if she says no? What if she doesn't love me as much as I love her? I keep thinking about how I'm going to ask her.
Tia, you are the love of my life.
Tia, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Tia, you're my everything.
Tia... will you marry me?

But anyhoo, how's that for a deleted scene, huh?
Okay, so now I will pose a question upon you.
What will happen next chapter? The choice is yours, my dear readers!! Would you like:
a) The next chapter of the novella?
b) A fact file on one of the characters?
c) Another deleted scene?
d) A Q/A about ANYTHING in the series, which I'll answer?
Please reply to this, it makes my life a whole lot easier :)
Nethii <3*

Love Makes Me (A HunTia novella, A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now