Part 1 ~ Arrival

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The world was dark, I heard screaming as the planet I once called my home being destroyed by our enemies forcing us to escape or hide. I was frozen in the large palace not knowing what to do or where to go. Then my mother came crying and hugging me. 

"Y/n, I love you so much but I have to do this..." I knew exactly what she was going to do as she reached her pale hands up to my temples.

Then there was white.



Svartalfheim, our forever enemies. Odin sent his army to them and killed most of them, the rest left in hiding of the dark and destroyed planet. Even though they weren't our friends, I was still against his decision. We tried to make peace with them for years and Odin had enough of it.

I walked the quiet halls since my boys were outside in the gardens and Odin was still away. I loved these little moments to myself, sometimes I went to the library and read. But, when the entire palace is quiet. I love to roam the halls.


I looked around trying to see where the sound came from. The front gate.

I ran as fast as I could, a few guards at my heel to the front doors of the palace.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to open the doors?" One of the guards said and I nodded my head.

After the doors opened I gasped. A small girl was sitting up outside with very expensive yet tattered robes. Her Pale blue skin slowly disappearing. For a second I thought she could've been from Jotunheim, like my youngest. but when her hair moved away from her ear I knew immediately she was a dark elf from Svartalfheim.

The girl looked confused and tired.

"Hello? What is your name?" I asked her gently and she looked at me.

She pondered for a minute, "y-y/n."

I nodded my head. "I'm Frigga, here come inside and I'll get you all cleaned up," I smiled to her.

I brought the girl inside and had her taken to my son's wing into the empty chamber next to Thor's, and across from Loki's.


My head was fuzzy after I woke up on the hard ground. I tried to think of where I was or what happened but everything in my passed memories seemed blocked and I couldn't access them. I could only remember my name.

The tall woman, Frigga took me inside the large palace to a chamber. The room was pretty big with tons of gold lining everything, there was a bathroom as well. 

"Come here little one, lets get you fixed up," a woman with red hair with grey streaks said to me with a towel in her head. 

When I got to the bathroom there was a bath that was already filled up and out of instinct, I rose my arms up for her to start undressing me. Weird.

She took my robes off and I stepped into the tub.

She washed my hair and I washed the rest of my body. After I was finished, she braided my hair and put me into some simple yet beautiful robes. Dark grey and gold. Asgardian colors I thought. Then another thought came to me, I'm in Asgard.

After I was all dressed and ready, I was taken to the throne room there I saw Frigga, Two boys about my age, and a tall man wearing all gold which I figured was the king.

The queen smiled at me, "y/n I would like to introduce you to my family. This is the Allfather Odin, My husband. My first born Thor," She pointed to the boys, "and this is my youngest, Loki."

I smiled sheepishly and slightly bowed my head.

Odin cleared his throat. "I have spoken with the queen and we have agreed to bring you into our home, you will grow up with our boys. Train, and have lessons with them daily."

I nodded my head.

Queen Frigga smiled again, "boys, take y/n with you and show her around."


Me and Odin walked to his chambers and he looked at me.

"We can't tell anyone that that girl is from Svartalfheim, not even the boys, or her."

"Odin I know, we already have to for Loki..."

"She is a descendant of their royalty, she was a princess. I saw her mother wipe her memories before sending her here."

I gasped. "Shes so young."

"She will most likely have magic, similar to Loki, we will need to train them both so they can learn to control it."

I nodded my head. "Of course."


That girl, thinks she can just barge into our home, and get to live with us. I scoff.

"Brother, is something the matter?" Thor asks as we walked down the hall.

"Why does she think she gets to live with us? Shes just a stupid lost Asgardian that mother picked up outside the gate."

Thor looked at me shocked. "Don't say that, father said her parents were killed in the battle in Svartalfheim, I don't know why her memories are messed up but she needs to be here." He half yelled in my face and y/n just stayed quiet next to him.

Thor looked back at her, "Lady y/n, I am very sorry of how the way my brother is treating you. Where would you like to go see first? We have a training center, Library, dinning hall..."

"Library." Y/n states looking at him.

I look up, intrigued.

Thor smiles, "Lets get going then."


We walked down the long beautiful halls, Thor kept going on and on about the history. Loki would every once and a while give a snarky comment or be rude. Sometimes I would snap back and he would stop for a couple of seconds before he would start again.

Living with him was going to be interesting.


Heyyy all! First chapter woohoo! I'm excited to write more, there will be most likely be a few chapters before the time skip. Hope you like it <3

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