Part 2 ~ I hate you

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Y/n ~

Today is my first official day living in the palace. Frigga said she wanted to teach me and Loki a little about magic. I wore a light green tunic with gold thread lining the cuffs, and deep brown pants with boots. My h/c hair tied half up and the rest ran down my back. 

I entered queen Frigga's study to find her and her son talking and laughing. Loki wore dark green robes with black pants and gold bands on his cuffs.

"Hello y/n," Frigga said turning to me

"Hi." Loki said plainly staring at me with his dark emerald eyes. 

"Today I will be teaching you some basics in magic, you both posses a similar type of magic that I will help you learn to control and use in both real life and battle."

Loki glared at me after she said we posses the same type of magic. I rolled my eyes.

We spent hours going over basic spells and ways to clear your mind to create small balls of light in your finger tips.

I was having a much easier time learning and creating the light and Loki was slowly getting more and more mad.

"Y/n, can you please help Loki? I have some business I need to attend to."

I nodded my head and he rolled his eyes.

After she left the room Loki groaned clearly frustrated.

"What do you need help with?" I asked him, annoyed with his attitude.

"Nothing, I can handle myself," he snapped turning away.

"Please Loki, Let me-" 

"I said no!" He yelled pounding his fist on the table and a ball of light shot from his hand onto my eyes.

"Ugh!" I screamed rubbing them, blinded.

He chuckled.

"I hate you!" I yelled at him tears in my eyes, both from the light and my anger.

He stared blankly at me and was silent.

Then he smirked and shot another one at me.

I dodged and shot one at him.

We shot them at each other and my anger slowly turned to joy. We laughed and shot light at each other for a few more minutes. But when I hit him in the face he stopped.

"What was that for?!" He said getting mad.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry I didn't mean to..."

"Oh sure." He snapped at me.

"Come on, we need to go to lunch." He said opening the door.


We walked to the dinning hall in silence. I can't believe she was able to learn that so quickly. She frustrates me, shes just a stupid little Asgardian girl, she shouldn't be better than a god.

We sat across the table from each other. She sat next to Thor and they talked pretty much the entire time. It was only us and mother, father had gone away to another realm.

I flicked a small ball of light onto her plate and she looked at me. She flicked one at my shoulder and I smirked. Thor just watched confused. We flicked a few more back at each other and mother told us to stop.

She giggled and continued to eat. 

Gods how am I going to handle living with her.

~8 months later~


I've been living here in the palace for a while now and its been growing on me, Thor has become a good friend and we do weapon training together every other day. Loki does training with us too but he always keeps his distance. The days I'm not training, I work with Frigga and Loki on spells and magic. I always catch on faster than Loki and It annoys him. It's kind of funny. I can now create small illusions that last a few seconds and can light up an entire room.

Today is a rest day so I go out to the gardens. I'm wearing a simple cream colored dress with small blue designs around my waist. 

I hear someone behind me so I turn around.

"Hello Loki," I state looking at him.

"Y/n," he replies walking next to me.

"Why did you follow me?" I ask curious.

"I didn't follow you." He smirked walking ahead of me. "You're following me."

I roll my eyes and threw a light ball at his head.

{We throw them at each other often and it has become a normal thing.}

He continues walking placing his hands behind his back and throws one at me, I dodge it and throw another. 

Before it hit him, he threw another one at it and hit it in mid air making them explode in bright colors. We look in awe.

"I didn't know we could do that," I state.

He huffs. "It's not that interesting. 

I shake my head at him and start to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"The library," I state and disappear behind the door. 


Lady y/n Has lived here for 8 months and she has become a very close friend of mine, she's caring and really funny. She reminds me of my brother sometimes, playing pranks on me often and her and Loki never stop bickering.

It's interesting I've never heard of her before since father said she was a daughter of two warriors that died in the recent battle.

I feel bad, she doesn't remember her passed or anything about her family. 

I walk down the halls and look out the window to the gardens and spot Loki and y/n throwing that ridiculous light balls at each other. I laugh and keep walking to the training center.


After y/n left the gardens I went to sit on a bench and played with a light ball, she still annoys me but every day I'm feeling more and more happy to be around her. 

I smile.

"Loki, dear. What's making you happy might I ask?" The familiar warm voice of my mother says as she sits down next to me.

"Oh, nothing." I say back looking down.

She smiles at me. "Is it y/n?"

I shake my head a lie already made up in my head.

"No, I'm just happy today's an off day," I look up at her.


Chapter two is finished and it was exactly 1000 words haha. Hope you like it! <3

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