HAIR MASKS- my experience

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So story time

I've always had pretty dry and brittle hair. Mostly because I have A LOT of hair and I spent way too much blow drying it or straightening it so it wouldn't look wild
Cause girls with a lot of hair will understand the pain

So basically I used so much conditioner and hair products for a very long time but nothing really worked

However , when I started looking up and trying natural remedies , I found my solution

What I do is incredibly simple and cheap, and if you have dry and brittle hair (and a lot of quantity) this will probably save your hair's life

First of all I wash my hair twice  a week, so it doesn't loose its natural shine and properties. Washing your hair too often will probably damage it even more.

Second, I stopped using a towel to dry my hair, and started using an old t-shirt (preferably cotton) instead. This avoids the frizz

Next, the hair masks.
I use a hair mask once a week.
There are many, many homemade,  natural hair masks on the internet however from my experience, the top 2 are :

1- milk, honey and an egg.
Crack an egg into a small bowl or cup, mix two tablespoons of honey and pour half a glass of warm milk.
Mix it well and pour it on your wet hair before shampooing.
Wait 20-30 minutes and the rinse and wash normally.
* make sure to mix it well and don't pour hot milk otherwise  bits of egg will stay in your hair *

2 - honey, olive oil and natural yoghurt.

2/3 table spoons of honey
- tablespoon of olive oil
3 tablespoons of natural yoghurt
(The quantity may vary as you prefer )
Mix it well and put on your wet hair for 20-30 minutes
Rinse and wash normally

So these two hair masks are the ones I mostly use , mostly because they work the best for me and smell the nicest. However, as I said before , there are thousands of recipes using natural products, which do marvels with your hair.

Another thing I do to detox my hair and make it glossy is  oil:
- olive oil
- almond oil
- coconut oil

So I apply one of the oils from the middle to the ends and let it soak for about an hour
(however much quantity you like, however keep in mind that if you use a lot you will have to rinse it well or your hair will be very very greasy)

Then wash normally

The oils not only heal split ends but also strengthen my hair and give it a beautiful, natural shine

Finally , the last rinse must be with cold water. Believe me it hurts my soul to have to wash with cold water in winter but it is so healthy for my hair and so worth it

So that's it. That's how I healed my hair, and I swear it turned from being dry to being so much softer and glossier, in just a month.

I keep doing these masks regularly to maintain my hairs health, and I see better results each time.

I really hope this works for you too

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