No survivors

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*country anthem turns on*

Radio: Men! Your country needs you today. Our land is being taken away and the enemy are raping our families. Do what's right, sign your papers in the nearest military outpost near you and help us fight the enemy together. Be a Defender!

*radio turns off*

Location: trench

All the soldiers are worn down and tired. They have sore feet, some infected with cuts from shrapnel. Others can't even stand up from the stumps they have as legs. They eat and sleep in the same place the rats scurry and sh*t in.

A group of the Defender army soldiers are sitting on the wet and muddy dirt in a hole of safety where bullets and explosions can't reach them. Almost all hope is lost. The solder's only encouragement to move right now is the sweet grasp death could give them.

Alli: Why must we hide in these holes that reek of shame commander? let us take the fight to those basterds! All they do is rain artillery on us and use hit and run tactics. They are cowards and you are acting like one too!!!

Nearby soldiers mostly young men drafted into this war, look in paralyzing fear at what the commander may do to the youngest boy in the squadron.

The commander takes off his eyes from the papers he was reading and stares at the young man.

Commander: .....


The body of the young but foolish soldier falls onto the floor without a single cry of pain. Blood pools under him from the bullet that went through his head.

Commander: Do anymore want to disobey my orders?

Squadron: NO SIR.

The soldiers have been here too many months and just want to return to their families.

Commander: Good, now pack my things into a traveling container and get it ready for evac.

Soldier: Sir may I ask where we are going?

Commander: There is no "we" I have been assigned a new position and will soon depart to one of our cities to defend it. These are further orders until your new assigned Commander arrives... defend the blockade.

*15 hours later*

The commander and a small group of soldiers escort him and arrive at the landing location of the helicopter. It's located in a small patch of flat land far away from the trenches and is a safe distance from Anti vehicle weapons.

After waiting in depressing silence the soldiers finally spot the escort helicopter a few miles away.

Miles become 80 feet soon enough as it prepares to land on their location.

Commander: 'Can't wait to get out of this hell hole and spend some of my pay on a brothel. Hopefully, I can find a young one and detain her, hehehe.'

Just when the helicopter started to descend a louder noise could be heard over the beating wind from the helicopter.

Something rushed past them and smashed into the helicopter resulting in it exploding and throwing all the soldiers off their feet affected by the blast.

The soldiers are confused and are suffering from shell shock. One by one they are picked off by a gunshot until none remain, only bloody and unmoving bodies laying on the sand.

????? POV

After hours of hiking through the desert, I finally was able to sneak past their line. My mission is to blow up the supplies and neutralize.

After finding a good hiding spot behind some cover I camp at the entryway of their tunnels waiting to strike any hostiles that may go out to guard the entrance.

*sometime later*

I spot the metal locks unlatch on the door through my binoculars and I smoothly grab my gun and stare down the lens. Outcome multiple solders.

???: Blyat, can't shoot them without the risk of them spreading out and cornering me.


The soldiers aren't moving? What could they be waiting for? Maybe they are expecting more supplies or a ride somewhere in a vehicle. Couldn't possibly be anything tire related in this sand.

*Grabs sand and lets it fall out between his fingers*

It would be too slow, they are most likely waiting for air support in this air friendly environment away from the front battle.

*grabs hunky backpack next to him*

Might as well give the pilot a warmer welcome.

*Hours later*

The soldiers in the squad are tired and have lifeless eyes. They just silently stare at the sand dunes and wait for their vehicle to arrive. They are all daydreaming their lives before being drafted in this war.

*radio in helmet buzzes*

General: Soldier are you ready to push forward, Our decoys on the front line have all their attention and our scans report that a helicopter is heading in your location.

???: I have an ANTI-AIR VHC Launcher at the ready. I am waiting to ambush an incoming helicopter before continuing the operations, sir.

General: affirmative and don't forget the rules of the operation, no thoughts about sparing, no hostages and no survivors.

???: understood sir I'm going radio silence now.

*buzzing turns off*




I can see the helicopter in the distance, *takes deep breaths* gotta soften my heart rate.

I wait until the perfect time until I have a guaranteed hit. I look down my lens, I take one more deep breath while tightening my grip... and I hear those words one more time.

Voice: No survivors 






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