A mission

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(Top has nothing to do with the chapter, just thought it was cool)

Ruby POV

Ruby: Team wake up, we're gonna be late again!

The voice of the leader of this team held great panic. Instantly the three other team members that were sleeping in their beds jolt up from alarm.

Yang: Sh*! Sh*t! Sh*t, He's gonna make us stay after class and have us listen to more of his stories!

Blake: Yea, I like story's more than the next person but his are just plain bad and about him gloating about everything he did in his early life.

Weiss: I can't afford to have this tardy stain my records! To the class!

Ruby: Don't you wanna get dressed first?

Weiss: wh- oh of course, obviously. To the closet!

The three frantically hurry to get dressed while their leader waits for them. When done they burst through the front door into the hallways and start running to Grimm study.

While they were running yang asked her sister a question.

Yang: Ruby how come when you woke up you didn't bother to wake us up?

Ruby: Hehe well you see... I saw we had cookie flavored cereal and kinda got a little busy with something.

Weiss: You dolt! You still could've woken us up too! And how come out of all of us you were the first to wake up?

Ruby: Well as this amazing teams leader it is my duty to be the responsible one and wake up before my teammates and help them prepare for the trails that are to come in life!

Blake: But you didn't even wake u-

Ozpin: Hello girls.

They immediately stopped at that familiar voice and tumbled over each other in a dogpile.

Ozpin takes a deep hearty sip from his mug and asks them a question.

Ozpin: Seems like a very strange time to be heading to class now when it started 10 minutes ago? Could you care to explain miss rose?

Ruby: Mmm you see it was my f-

Ozpin: Don't worry about it, I was actually just on my way to pull you and your team out of class for an important mission that just popped up suddenly.

Weiss: Oh come on how come she doesn't get in tr-

Blake: What my teammate is trying to say is, Why is this mission so important that we have to skip our class?

Ozpin: Well you see our security has detected a large spike of energy in the forest. It's quite an abnormal amount so just to be safe I will be sending Miss Glynda with you to help, Incase anything unexpected happens when you all go to investigate it.

Ruby: Yay we don't have to listen about bor- I mean darn we are gonna miss the important stories from our teacher, so sad too bad.

Ozpin: I can arrange you all a lesson during the weekend if you like?


Ozpin: Ok then I'm off to my office, don't forget to grab your gear and meet Glynda at the Bullhead hanger.

He walks off still taking more sips from his mug.

Ruby: Ok team let's get a move on!

Weiss: We would've if you just woke us up. But at least we will be able to get out of class and avoid those crappy stories.

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