The meeting

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Luindin's POV

The sun slowly rises. It's bright light slowly creeps across the land signaling the night is over and the day has begun. Usually, at times like this there would be a man having his women tightening his necktie for him before he goes to work, or children eating their cereal to get ready for school.... but not me.




Yup this is my life as a soldier. Get up, get screamed at in your face, train, study how to train better and.......train.

Drill Sergeant: Before giving all of you your dismal I'm informing you of a group meeting happening after breakfast in area B7. If you fail to arrive you will be punished by being sent to clean the porta-potty without a face mask.

Luindin: 'The hell? That seems too cruel. Gotta finish my food fast.'


*Walks into cafeteria*

Friend: Luindin bro, have you heard the news.

Luindin: Ya and I wish not to be spending the next 24 hours scrubbing those porta potty.

Friend: No not that news, have you heard that an officer that was in The Battle of Scarecrow is coming here?

The battle was named this because the Defenders were distracted by a decoy the entire time.

Luindin: You surely don't mean that one battle right? The enemy lost so much they surrendered and gave up.

Friend: Yea that battle. I've been hearing rumors saying one of the leading officers that were in charge of operation flanking them is coming here to the meeting after breakfast.

Luindin: dam if that's true th-

Chief: Oi you think I like listening to your girly gossip all day. Get a dam move on and get some sausages already.

Luindin: ok, ok calm down chief.

*grabs tray with food* 

*Timeskip After breakfast*

Luindin: Dammit did the Sergeant say area B7 or C8

Friend: I think he said D69

*luindin smacks him in the back of the head*

luindin: Oh, here it is. 

*enters big tent*

The tent has a big wooden platform in the back with 35 chairs facing it which made it look like some small school assembly. Some chairs are already taken but not all the squads have arrived yet.

Luindin: 'hmmm better take a seat and just wait till things start.

*ten minutes later*

All the seats are taken and a General steps onto the podium and in front of the small microphone.

General: Due to recent events we have been able to push back the enemy into declaring surrender but our intelligence tell us they may be planning to take back that statement and start more battles with us. To stop them we have devised a plan to de-weaponize them and throw out any encouragement for them to throw their towel back in the ring. We are sending a small team into a base that is a work in progress nuclear weapon center to permanently disable any bombs they have and to capture one of their head leading scientists in their program. A small team of professionals has to be sent because this needs to be hidden from the public. The last thing we need is all the allies to peer pressure the enemy into pushing a red button which could start a world war.

L.T: Sir may I ask who will be leading this operation.

Boss: There will be a 1st and 2nd in command. Second in command will be Luindin droscin and 1st in command is Maks Senaviev.

Maks POV 

When I stepped on stage with the central boss most of the soldiers were intimidated by my height and glare. If it wasn't those two factors then it was probably the story's they heard about me destroying a blockade and most of its soldiers dying in It.

Welp, time to introduce myself

*straightens back*

Maks: My name is Maks Senaviev comrades, and I will be your temporary leader in this operation. If you disobey my orders you better hope the enemy shoots you before I do.

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