The Lord's Shadow Rises Like A Phoenix

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*Maks dies*

Ubi: It's about time we buff Tachanka and give him a napalm grenade launcher.

Ghost Maks: Am I a joke to you?


Ozpin POV

The day's morning was bright and shiny, especially in Ozpin's five hundred foot tall tower he was cooking coffee in. He took one sip of it and immediately he was zapped to his senses by its rich taste of chemicals. While in his tower's office he walked to his large window overseeing the entire school, given a front-row seat to Ironwoods forces marching and flying in an orderly fashion into the beginning of the Vytal Festival.

As Opine slightly turned his head right he could spot the grievance that had caused him a lot of stress and innocent deaths. Construction workers fortifying the mountainside of the city could be seen not only reinforcing defenses but also building a memorial for the lost. Ozpin took another sip of his coffee, out in the distance even from this height he could see a newly crafted bronze statue surrounded by neat and orderly graves. 

Standing proudly on a stone pedestal with an LMG's barrel in one hand and the other on his hip stood defiantly Maks. His watchful helmeted gaze drifting off to the east where the sun rises. Albeit for some reason, the crafter of the statue saw it necessary to have him without a shirt, chiseled chest showing.

 Albeit for some reason, the crafter of the statue saw it necessary to have him without a shirt, chiseled chest showing

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What was that fellow's name again? Oh, it was Leonardo decrapio or something, I can't remember. I'll need to tell him to paint the kingdoms savior in a more appropriate light next time.

It had been a few weeks after the accident, or attack better well known. Word had got out afterward, and the people of Vale were not happy after figuring out the Whitefang tried to kill all of them with Grimm. Ozpin has been trying his best to keep the masses under control, that's why something needed to happen to calm the people down and put aside their fears. At least for a little while, he hoped.


Ozpin turned around facing the elevator as it's mechanical doors slid open with smoothness. As they opened outpaced a man in a white military suite and a large caliber looking handgun strapped to his hip. His face like Ozpin also showed age and weariness.

Ironwood: Headmaster Ozpin it's good to see you again.

Ozpin: Please, drop the formalities, James. It is indeed good to meet you again, but those forces out there is quite the eyesore.

Ironwood: Yes, Yes I know, but you and I know better than having no security during such a huge event like this could brew disaster. I'm just making sure none of those terrorists or "Her" can easily make a move on us.

Ironwood sunk into a leathery seat near his oak desk. Looking like he hasn't relaxed at all in months.

Ozpin: Still, it's a scary time. The people of Vale are on edge, Grimm numbers are rising and we need a clean event like this to calm their minds. I'm just not so sure rolling in with your war mechs and armed solder robots are gonna make them feel safe.

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