Return to Normalcy

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Tick tock. Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin', into the future.

"Ms. Starlet!"

Sachi jolted, her open math book and papers crashing to the floor. Disoriented, she looked up to see her math teacher staring at her disapproving. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Uhaul. I didn't hear you," she said. "I called on you five times. You didn't respond," he said. Giggles and snickers spread throughout the classroom. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

She leaned over her desk to scoop her book and papers from off the floor. "Just so you know all those questions will be on your exam," he said in a stern voice.

The warning noted, Sachi glumly placed her book and papers inside her book bag as the bell rang and headed out the hallway to her locker.

As she opened her locker, she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Emily. Her blond hair newly dyed brunette. "Hi, Sachi," she said. "You actually called me by my name," Sachi said.

Emily waved her hand dismissively at the sarcastic comment. "There's something I'd like to talk with you about," she said lowering her voice. "I'm listening," Sachi said. "Can you meet me after school?" Emily said. "Sure," Sachi replied.

"Where's Emma?" She said looking around for the other blond. "She went home early. She said she didn't feel good." She saw Kael rounding the corner. "Remember after school," she said scurrying away.

"What was that all about?" Kael said. Sachi closed her locker. "Emily wants to talk to me after school." "Do you want me to be there?" He said. She nodded. He wrapped his hand around hers. "Ready?" He said.

Hand in hand, they walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria to whispers and stares.

Sachi still wasn't used to being the center of stares and gossip. Not only because she and Kael are a couple but also because of the Starlet name in the news because of the Time Clock Killings. That's something she wanted to put behind her.

She also had to deal with the glares from the girls jealous that she snagged Kael. Not that they ever had a chance with him. His heart belongs exclusively to Sachi though she won't gloat about that fact.

For Sachi, life had returned to normal, somewhat.

They entered the cafeteria. Sachi took her seat at the geek table. Kael sat beside her. Turning his head, he acknowledged the gape-mouthed onlookers with a nod.

Sachi opened her Bento box and took out a pair of chopsticks. As she picked up a piece of sushi and brought it to her lips to take a bite, Kael licked his lips. "Mmmm that looks delicious. Want to trade?" He said staring down sadly at his plain hamburger. "Nope," Sachi smiled and took a bite of the sushi.

Sighing, Kael picked up the burger and took a bite. Watching him from the corner of her eye, Sachi choked back a laugh. He picked up his soda and took a long gulp to wash it down.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he leaned closer to Sachi so that no one could eavesdrop or lip-read their conversation. "How's your mom doing?" "She has good days and bad days," Sachi replied. "The good days are outweighing the bad days." "I'm glad," he said.

"What is it?" Sachi said sensing that Kael wanted to ask something else. He chewed his lip, pondering. "How long is your dad going to drive your car? Not that I don't mind picking you up," he blurted. "I was just curious."

"Dad told me yesterday that he wanted to look into getting another car," Sachi said. She paused. "I told you he auctioned off the family car because of the bad memories, right?" "Yeah," Kael replied nodding.

"He wanted to take mom but wasn't sure how she'd react to clocks and watches." "Last week, I forgot to conceal my watch with my shirtsleeve. When she saw it, she freaked. He wants to include her in the decision making. It's...," 

"It's difficult," Kael said finishing her sentence. "Yeah," Sachi said solemn-faced.

He took her right hand, glimpsing the iridescent light bouncing off the diamonds of the promise ring on her ring finger. He caressed her finger in a circular motion. "Things will be okay," he said. "It may not be as it was before but it will eventually get better." 

"Thank you for saying that," she said. He gazed into her eyes staring back at him.

Cupping her cheeks, he leaned forward and kissed her. Whistles, catcalls, and cheers erupted in the cafeteria. "Way to go, Kael," someone yelled. "Get a room," another hollered. 

Blushing, they parted. "Why do they care so much about our relationship?" Sachi said annoyed. Kael shrugged. She put the Bento box away in her book bag. They exited the cafeteria.

Later that afternoon, when class ended, Sachi waited for Kael by her locker to meet Emily. As the hallway cleared, he approached. He looked stricken. "What happened?" Sachi said. "I heard rumors that Callie is in hospice," he said. "I called my parents. They confirmed it."

"Oh my God," Sachi said in shock. "I knew things weren't good, but I didn't expect it to get to this point. I-If only I hadn't-," 

"Don't do that!" He said. "You told me once not to blame myself. Now I'm telling you. This is not your fault."

She lowered her head. "I know it isn't but...," 

"No buts," Kael said. "It isn't your fault," he repeated. "Emily is waiting," Sachi said wiping her eyes.

They exited the building to find Emily standing by the bleachers on the football field. She waved at them. "Okay, Emily," Sachi said approaching her with suspicion. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"You heard about Callie?" Emily said. "That she's...," 

"I heard," Sachi said gulping down the growing knot in her throat. 

"I don't blame you for what happened," Emily said. "Emma does," Sachi said, her voice cracked. "Emma needs someone to lash out on," Emily said. "You were the last person who saw Callie that night. It's that killer who did this to her. So please don't blame yourself."

"Thank you," Sachi said. Though she heard the words, she still felt wracked with guilt. 

"I'd like for us to be friends," Emily said. "I know that I haven't been nice to you. I followed Callie and Emma around like a puppy. I wanted to be accepted by them. I said nothing while they bullied you. I know it was wrong and I'm sorry." "I accept your apology," Sachi said. "Thanks," Emily said.

Sniffling, she took a breath. "That's all I wanted to say." Sachi nodded barely holding back her tears. "See you tomorrow, okay," Emily said. She walked away.

"Deep down, I knew that Emily wasn't like them," Kael said, touched by the girl's contrite gesture. "See," he whispered turning Sachi's face towards him when she avoided looking at him. "It's not your fault. I've said it. Now Emily has said it." "I know," she said.

After a day of emotional upheaval, all Sachi wanted to do was to turn everything off, lock herself away from the world, and disappear into her music. 

She longed for the days when no one knew her name and she could blend into the crowd in the school hallways and not be singled out, pointed at, and whispered about. All she wanted was her life back before the Time Clock killer disrupted their lives.

Kael dropped Sachi off in front of her house. Only then did she realize that they had barely spoken since leaving school. "Give me about twenty minutes to shower and change," he said. Afterward, we'll study together." She gave him a swift goodbye kiss. "See you later," she said. She shut the door and waved as he drove off.

As she walked towards the front door, a small nondescript box on the ground caught her attention. The box, wrapped in generic wrapping paper, had no return address.

As she bent down to inspect the mysterious box, she heard a ticking sound from inside. Alarmed, she stepped back, took out her phone, and placed an emergency call. "McCoy, I need you to come over right away!"

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