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Sirens blared as dozens of police cruisers gathered alongside a busy roadside in front of a vacant, dilapidated house with broken windows and boarded doors. A few feet away was a small creek with gnarly trees adding to the creepy atmosphere to give even the most seasoned veteran a chill up the spine. 

A passerby spotted what was thought to be a dead deer. Upon closer inspection, it was a body.

Arriving at the scene, Wolf felt dread with each step he took. Noting the state of the vacant house, he also wondered who thought it was a great idea to build a house next to a low clearance bridge.

Standing over the corpse, Wolf studied the battered body with pursed lips. The dark-haired young man looked to be in his late teens or early twenties. His tan jacket was muddy. His khakis torn. A shoe was missing from his foot-possibly lost during a struggle. 

He lay face down on a mound of dirt and grass. Bruising on his neck indicated ligature marks. Dried blood was underneath his fingernails.

The scene filled Wolf with unease and déjà vu. 

He couldn't help but feel like Bill Murray on Groundhog Day. The scene was like that of the Time Clock Killers. However, with a few differences. "Found it," a rookie officer saying pointing to the ground. "Oh, please don't tell me," Wolf muttered.

Near the body lay a generic wristwatch and an MP3 player. Too much time on my hands. And it's ticking away played from the speaker. He ran a hand over his weary face. "Sonofabitch."

The service nearing its end, Sachi glanced over at the empty spot where McCoy sat. Ten minutes had gone by since he went outside to take a call and didn't return. "I'll be right back," she whispered against Kael's ear.

Grabbing her purse from off the floor, she discreetly stepped outside. With no sign of McCoy's Mustang, Sachi leaned against the building contemplating what to do next.

Not in a hurry to head back inside the funeral home, she pulled her phone out from her purse. She googled for any news about Calpurnia. A headline about a performance the band did during their European tour garnered her attention.

She clicked on the link and watched a video of the band performing an acoustic version of Greyhound set against the backdrop of the nighttime city lights of a Parisian street. 

The ambiance of the performance brought a smile to her face when a voice dripping with scorn interrupted her happy disposition. "Why d'you come here?"

Sachi looked up to see Emma leering at her. Shoving her phone back inside her purse, Sachi marched past the bitter blond and attempted to grab the door handle to head back inside when Emma stepped in front of her blocking her.

"Callie didn't like you," Emma said glowering. "Why did you come to her funeral? To gloat?" Knowing that she was trying to provoke her, Sachi tried to defuse the hostile encounter. "This isn't the time or place for this," she said motioning for her to move. 

Emma wouldn't budge. "I think it is," she snarled.

Her patience wearing thin, Sachi said, "Look.  I had nothing to do with Callie's death." 

"You might as well have," Emma said raising her voice. "With her gone, you can flaunt your relationship with Kael in our faces."

"God, I can't believe you," Sachi said trying to keep her voice in a low whisper. "Nothing I say will ever stop you from blaming me." 

"Because you are to blame," Emma said folding her arms with a pout like a petulant child. For a moment, Sachi thought she would stick her tongue out at her. She sighed. 

"Move, please." 

"No," Emma said with a defiant toss of her hair off her shoulders.

Sachi had had enough. "Fine. Blame me all you want but stay the hell away from my family." Emma clicked her tongue. "What do you mean?" 

"Don't play dumb," Sachi said. "The note in my locker. Just admit that you left it." 

A slight smile played across Emma's lips. She neither confirmed nor denied the accusation.

The door clicked open startling them. "That's enough you two," Mrs. Adrian said with a disapproving stare directed at both girls. "This is a funeral. We're here to honor the memory of Ms. Parker. Not have petty fights." 

"I'm sorry Mrs. Adrian," Sachi said. "I was looking for my godfather and-" 

"You need not explain," Mrs. Adrian said still miffed.

At the older woman's reproach, Sachi looked away feeling guilt and remorse. If she had stayed home as she had originally planned, this wouldn't have happened. She lowered her eyes and glanced at the ground angry at herself for letting Emma goad her. 

"Let's head back inside," Mrs. Adrian said placing her hand firmly on Emma's shoulder. Sachi's phone rang inside her purse. "I'll be there in a moment," she said. 

 The hard lines on her face relaxing, Mrs. Adrian nodded and tugged Emma's shoulder; nudging her inside.

Alone, Sachi retrieved her phone and checked the id. She answered it. "Where d'you go, McCoy?" 

"Seer, I need your help," Wolf said. "We have a Copycat Killer on our hands."

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