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The minutes seemed to stretch as Sachi waited in her homeroom. She felt anxious since McCoy told her that The Copycat Killer claimed another victim. The teacher was in the middle of taking attendance when she overheard loud whispering a few seats behind her.

"She's trying to live up to her anime girl persona. I mean look at that pinkish hair. Lame much?" A girl said nasal-voiced. 

Sachi knew that irksome voice. It was Meeri in her quest to replace Callie in bitchiness.

Turning herself at an angle so that the wannabe mean girl could see her, Sachi leveled her an icy stare. "Oops. Someone heard you," one of her equally irritating friends joked. 

"She's one to talk," Sachi thought.

She noted the heavy makeup the girl wore was an effort to cover the pronounced zits and blemishes speckled across her face. "I could play connect the dots with all the dark marks on your face. Piling on the makeup isn't doing your skin any favors either."

She didn't dare utter her thoughts. She knew she'd only be stooping to their level of pettiness.

Sometimes, Sachi hated having to take the high road. Why did she always have to be the one to bite her tongue and keep her mouth shut? She wanted to tell them off in a profanity-laden rant. Yeah. It wouldn't achieve anything but it sure as hell would feel good.

Without warning, an image flashed in her mind. It was brief and fuzzy like haze clouding her vision or a camera out of focus. Before she could dwell on it, the intercom crackled with static and feedback.

"Dear student body, as your principal, it is my responsibility to look after not only your education but your wellbeing. Because of that, after giving this much thought, I have canceled the Junior and Senior Prom."

Groans and whispers erupted throughout the classroom as the homeroom teacher shushed them.

"I do not make this decision lightly. During a town meeting with concerned parents, community leaders, and the superintendent, we concluded that safety measures were inadequate in ensuring the safety of those who would be in attendance and that canceling was the best option. I know some are disappointed and were looking forward to a special evening. Your safety comes first. Again, you have my apologies. This decision was best for all. Thank you for listening." 

With that, the announcement concluded.

"That sucks," someone exclaimed followed by a chorus of murmuring and complaining. Some suggested having a meetup in place of the prom.

Though disappointed, Sachi understood the reason for the cancellation. It was for their safety. She had looked forward to going to prom. It would be her first prom with Kael as a couple.

He in his one-button black tuxedo and she in her V-Neck floral printed chiffon evening dress would make their grand entrance into the ballroom, their arms linked. It would be a magical night of music, dancing, and making beautiful memories with Kael. Now, that was gone.

The bell ringing, she grabbed her book bag from off the floor and dashed out the classroom wanting to get far away from the chatter. 

Kael caught up with her in the hallway. "You heard?" 

"I did," Sachi replied solemnly. "Bummer." 

"We can still do something," he said, his dark brown eyes dancing back and forth.

Clasping each other's hand, they strode over to her locker. "Um, Sachi?" he said as she grabbed a few books and shoved them inside her book bag. "I've been thinking about what you said." 

He bit down on his lip, his brows creased. 

Seeing his internal struggle over the topic made her heart sink. She wished she had never brought it up.

He took a shaky breath. "I'm going to talk it over with my parents," he said. "It's time that I found out if I'm adopted."

Sachi balled her fist, guilt eating away at her conscience. "You don't have to—" 

"I need to do this," Kael said, his voice just above a whisper. 

"I-I need to tell you something," she said looking away from his probing eyes with shame. "This isn't the place for it."   She waved her hands in the air towards the hallway bustling with students to make her point.

He grabbed her hand, and with rapid movements rounded the corner towards the exit. "Where are we going?" she said.  "Somewhere private to talk," he said. 

"But," she protested. He shot her a look that screamed that he was fed up with everything. She immediately closed her mouth.

Exiting the building, they headed towards the football field, the rubber soles of their shoes squeaking on the grass wet with morning dew. 

Underneath the bleachers and away from viewing eyes, he let go of her hand. "Okay," he said staring at her pointedly.

She shifted her feet and twirled her hair. "Okay so at the police station there's this guy." 

"Wait," she said holding up her hands when Kael interjected. "Just hear me out."

Sighing, he gestured for her to continue. "His name is Chad," she said keeping her voice even. "I saw him in the food court of Tower City the day I went to pick up my check from McCoy. In conversation, he told me he learned that he had a younger brother that was adopted by a well-to-do family."

She finished speaking waiting for her boyfriend's reaction. 

He cocked his head, the anxiety on his face softening as though he had expected to hear worse. "So you think I could be his younger brother?"  

She nodded. 

"How can you be certain?  We may not be related at all. It could just be a coincidence." 

"I've considered that," Sachi said. "We won't know for sure unless we find out." 

"The only way to know is to have a DNA test done,"  he said.  "True," Sachi admitted.

"That's what you wanted to tell me the other day isn't it?" he said. 

"Yes," she mumbled. "You're not mad?" 

"No," Kael said. "I'm just tired of always being kept in the dark about things," he said, his voice chiding. She winced. "I'm sorry," she said. "I should have said something sooner." 

"It's okay," he said nudging her shoulder playfully.  He smiled for the first time in a while.   "Let's get to class before the tardy bell rings."

Taking his hand, Sachi heaved a sigh of relief, glad to have that off her chest.

With that out of the way, there was the other challenge—-informing McCoy that her abilities have been sporadic lately. With his reliance on her, she wasn't sure how she could be of any help to find The Copycat Killer before he kills again.    

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