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Wolf arrived at the high school parking lot. Finding a vacant spot to park was difficult since the school was still in session. To his relief, he found an empty spot near the football field. Backing in, he set the gear in park and shut the engine off.

Less than a minute of sitting, he felt as though he would bake in the stifling heat. Turning the key, he cracked the window a little while loosening the collar of his shirt.

Though it was warm out, eighty degrees, in fact, he wore his overcoat anyway. The overcoat was just as much his identity as his badge. He likened it to the iconic overcoat that Columbo, the savvy detective, wore.

Speaking of the detective, Wolf could use his perceptive investigating skills right about now. Finding the copycat killer was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Great. A cliché. He hated those.

The bell rang. He shifted in his seat to watch the exit as the student body filed out the brick building, a chorus of mingled voices in loud conversation ringing out into the air like static noise. Where is Seer? He still hadn't gotten used to her change in hair color. 

It didn't take long for him to catch sight of her. 

Her hair—-pink like cotton candy—-stood out like a neon sign as she stepped out of the shadows into the light with Kael beside her; his hair a shade of blue that reminded him of blueberries. Why he thought of food when it came to their colorful hair, he did not know.

He rolled the window down further. "Sachi!" 

She looked toward the sound trying to figure out where she'd heard it. He honked his horn. "Over here!" he yelled, waving his arm out the window. She approached the silver Mustang, Kael walking beside her, his hand firmly in hers.

Jumping out of the car, Wolf greeted the young couple. "How was class today?" 

"Okay," the twosome replied with as much enthusiasm as waiting for a root canal.

He could see that neither were in a talkative mood. "Okay. I'll just cut to the chase," he said. "Kael, if you could give us a moment, I need to speak to Seer alone."

Hearing the request, Kael made no effort to move. He narrowed his eyes. "I'd like to stay, sir."

Sir Wolf thought, how formal. "This is police business," Wolf said his voice firm with an unspoken warning for the boy to back off. 

Kael clenched his jaw. In ordinary circumstances, he would have heeded the warning. Not this time. 

"Police business that endangers my girlfriend!"

Taken aback by the boy's attitude, Wolf stared at him peculiarly. He knew from rumors that the boy was going through some things. However, he was not about to let the boy disrespect him or his authority. He took a measured step forward.

Sachi stepped between the two; both locked in a staring contest. "Let him stay, McCoy," she pleaded. Her words hung in the tension-filled air as Wolf said nothing.

When the boy wouldn't budge, Wolf relented. "Fine, you can stay. What you hear stays here in this car. You hear me!" 

"I won't say a word," Kael said flashing a triumphant smile. Wolf opened the car door. "Get in," he said knowing how gruff he sounded but not caring.

He didn't know what irritated him more. The bluntness of the boy's remarks or that the truth stung. Him seeking help from his goddaughter does—in fact—endanger her. He knew that. He needed no reminders of it.

Knowing not to push his luck, Kael scrambled into the backseat. Meeting his eyes as he tried to get comfortable in the cramped space, Sachi gave Kael a nod of thanks. He smiled back. Sitting down in the driver's seat, Wolf shut the door and turned the volume down on the radio.

Seer: The Blessed ChildWhere stories live. Discover now