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She was curled up in her mother's belly. Warmth spreaded throughout her as she yawned, feeling the wriggling of her other Eevee siblings as she curled tighter in a ball.

Her mother, a sweet Jolteon, licked her cheek as the mass of brown Eevee romped around. They chewed, kicked, and wiggled. One wriggled himself from the masses, not able to see the one shiny sibling he had.

The white Eevee didn't want to budge. I don't want to get adopted by some stinky human! I want to explore! I can't explore all too well if a smelly human adopts me!

There was a problem in the way she thought. You see, all people like shinies, so of course she is going to catch human's eyes. Someone is definitely bound to adopt her. Maybe not right away, but who's going to ignore a shiny Eevee right in front of them?

Well, apparently this kid and his rich father could. They were more interested in a certain Eevee who had his paws on the glass, his nose pressed up against it.

Fae groaned as her Eevee siblings crowded around her, pawing at their tired mother. Fae turned her body around, face in the belly of her mother. She groaned in a whimper.

Some of the other Eevee were whining too. The white Eevee was so busy trying to wiggling comfortably against her mother that she forgot all about her brother.

The humans were interested in him. She didn't know why. All she knew was that the elder's voice was loud enough to be a boom box. They were purchasing her brother.

All her other siblings seemed upset: I'm not. Good for him. He's just like all the others. They deserve homes before me. Fae thought selfishly. She wasn't interested in going to a home at her age. She wanted to be wild! She wanted adventure! Action! Fighting! She wanted to be wild so she could decide what she could do, not anyone else!

" I was thinking, Eon. Because he's gonna evolve into an evolution that will have the word Eon always at the end." The kid declared. Eon? Pft. Like JoltEON? That's got to be funniest thing I've ever heard. Either way, I want a name like that, the shiny Eevee pondered as she curled even deeper into her mother.

She purred. She never wished to leave her mother. Her ears perked as the idiots of humans talked to the clerk. The shiny Eevee only had one word for that dude: greedy!

She didn't really like that guy. She knew her mother was wild to begin with, so that's why she didn't really like that guy. She can respect that he needs to make a living, but she thought 1,000 Poke for even one Eevee was way too much.

Eventually the kid and his father left the store, leaving the rest of the Eevee mewling. Of course, that wasn't to last. Her Eevee siblings were all adopted by this one guy. Why she wasn't adopted was what she was asking.

The guy seemed shady. He had black on like he was robbing the store. The shiny Eevee perked her ears. " What's going on mother?" She wondered, confused at the sight of the guy picking up each of her siblings.

" It's a robbery!" The Jolteon gasped, picking up the shiny Eevee since she was the closest child to her, always clinging to her pelt.

The man took out a gun. He pointed it at the greedy man's heart and fired. The man shrieks and falls with a thump.

The shiny Eevee whimpered at the sight. Her mother had leapt over the glass, that had already been shattered by her gone brother, who missed this robbery by about an hour.

The man sent out a Luxio. " Search the area! We must find the Eevee that have Future Sight!" The man exclaimed in anger, pounding his fist on the ground.

The shiny Eevee tried to shrink in terror, only to realize that she was still in the jaws of her beautiful mother. Her mother looked around in terror for a way to escape.

" Whatcha got there, darling?" Purred the Luxio with a smirk on his face. " You leave Fae alone!" Her mother snarled, swiping a paw at the Lynx pokemon.

The Luxio growled. He pounced. The Jolteon hared out of the store, the little bundle in her jaw. " Where are we going, mommy?" The newly named Fae queers her mother.

" Anywhere but here my darling, anywhere but here." The Jolteon darted as she spot the Luxio. She climbed the trees, hiding up there with Fae.

Loud shouts could be heard. It was just that loud. Fae shivered in fright. Suddenly, gun shots rang out, and Fae could hear the loud screeches of her siblings. And she could swear she could hear their bodies thumping: dead; Each and every one of them.

Authors note: So there's the dark prologue to Together. I hope this prologue helped clear up what happened to most of Eon's sibling. This story will focus on Fae, and what happened with her and Eon's mother. I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you didn't cry like I practically did while writing this. Tell me your thoughts. I enjoy the comments and votes given. Thanks. 😍😍😍😍😀😀😀😀😀😘😘😘😘😘🤩

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