Chapter One: He's Been Expecting You

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Disclaimer: This story is not meant to be an example or a healthy relationship and should be enjoyed as fiction. Readers are discouraged from emulating the behavior or actions of this story.

"Welcome, officer y/n." The man at the door of the maximum-security prison tipped his police cap and then put in the code for you to come through the first of many gates.

You made your entourage to the front doors methodically, practiced like muscle memory. The two final armed guards at the front door nodded with deep respect to you as they put in the codes and together pushed the final button to let you inside the building that was reserved for only the worst of criminals.

The door was timed, so as usual, you move through quickly. The doors slam behind you and you are greeted by more strong officers poised at the inside of the doors, guns ready. Your boss wasn't in his normal seat, the one with the glass walled office he resided in to keep constant watch over the place. Your briefing would be in your personal office. You made your way to it, the dangerous man you were assigned to you now on your mind.

Even these halls had padlocked office doors and bullet-proof steel reinforced glass. The most dangerous minds in America were just on the other side of the walls from you here. Your office was adorned with plaques of excellence, merit badges of honour and photos of your career's success. On your desk was a lone and ominous envelope.

You could see the name, printed in bold smudged ink on the manila paper, from where you were standing:


You walked over to your desk, placing your right hand on the folder and running your fingertips lightly over the imprinted lettering. "Afton." He was the one who murdered those innocent children. 'Rotten to the could he live with himself?' You thought bitterly and turned away, opening your desk drawer and pulling out your taser and walkie. You didn't need to read the briefing to know what it would say. You needed to check in on William Afton, which was one of your most important daily duties.

Your assignment was to get more information out of him about the other children he's probably killed. There was a list of 62 missing children whose bodies were never found that they are convinced were William's doing too, since they happened around the same time and in the same area as he was every time, always near one of the CEO's robotic entertainment centered pizzerias.

The hallways you walked down were sterile grey metal and harsh fluorescent light. You knew better than to look into the rooms that you passed by. Better to not draw the criminals attention. It wasn't an easy task though, as they screamed at you and pounded on their doors and windows violently. The air always seemed to be more chilled the closer you grew to the cell that held the worst criminal of them all, in the center of the prison where he could be surrounded by fail safes and precautions to prevent his escape.

An entire security camera room was devoted to only watching him. The man who killed likely more children they knew of...yet the majority of those were found out after he was arrested for the 5 in Hurricane, Utah. You were well versed with the files that spoke in detail of the animatronics he had built specifically to murder children and those hell hole traps disguised as family pizzerias where it always happened.

You were so wrapped in thought that the door to his room that you rushed up to almost startled you. His name was glaring in sharp-edged metal lettering.

"He's expecting you, Officer y/n." The large, fully armed man at his door said solemnly. "You're all he's talked about this morning." He added grimly, swinging the door open for you.

You took a deep breath and entered the room, eyes landing on him. "...Afton." You greeted, pressing your lips together.

William Afton was easily the most frightening prisoner in the cellblock, though he acted so calm and collected, making it hard to believe he needed to be held in such a highly secured jail cell.

The tall man had his back facing you when you entered. He had been pouring over a blueprint that he was working on. When he hears your voice he makes a low, rich purr of approval. He looks over his shoulder at you with hooded silver eyes that locked on yours like handcuffs.

You felt like you couldn't move in his gaze. He kept direct eye contact on your own eyes, never moving them during the moment of silence that caused tension to fill the air. A smirk curled up in the corner of his mouth and a deep, velvety voice greeted you, "Hello, pet."

"I'm not your pet, Mr. Afton." You say firmly. "I hear you've been talking about me today. May I ask what about?"

He simply smiles in amusement at that. "My apologies, y/n. I would not allocate such a word to you literally. It is simply meant to be a harmless term of endearment." He said with a warm and inviting tone, but his smile seemed to give away the careful calculations in the words he chose. The entire time he spoke his eyes never strayed from your face, almost like he was greedily taking in every moment he had the pleasure of seeing you, but with an undertone of the way a carnivore watches prey.

"If you come a little closer, I would be more than happy to comply with your line of questioning." He began to take steady calm steps toward the bars between the two of you. He leaned up on them and placed an open palm against them with a crooked grin. "I have so much to tell you..." He whispered and waited, subtly making it clear that he did not intend to speak any louder to accommodate the distance currently between you both.

There were four men positioned in each corner of the room around his cage. Their hands moved to their electrified nightsticks and they all looked at you, their eyes pleading you not to comply.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now