Chapter Ten: Monster in Your Bed

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After you spoke your feigned distress, there was not a moment's delay as the Warden's panicked voice rang through.

"We will be there immediately! Hang in there, Officer!"

The guards showed up a little too quickly. Even if they had sped, they wouldn't have arrived so soon. Paramedics poured out of an ambulance as the Warden and your four body guards rushed to your side. "What did he do to you?! Is he still inside?!"

You couldn't see yourself but you must have looked like he had brutalised you, given the expressions on everyone's face.

By this point, you had faked tears and even worked yourself into a fake panic. "He somehow got out of the restraints and before I knew it, he had attacked me! I tried my best to fight him off and restrain him, but he escaped while I was recovering from my injuries... I can't believe I made the mistake of following through with this. I'm so sorry, Warden."

"It's okay. It's okay, y/n." He reassured, his hands and voice shaking as he tried to hold it together. "Men! Have teams A and B span out and search the forest. I want the chopper dispatched overhead! S team," He motioned to the four. "Search the entire house in case he doubled back."

Just as he said that there was a loud bang and the entire house shook and collapsed into shambles with the loud cracks of splintering wood. The Warden shielded you from the spray of debris it threw off.

"Hopefully he was in there." The Warden growled vindictively. "Let's get Officer y/n back to headquarters. I want the S team keeping guard on y/n 24 hours for the next two weeks, even at their home. Whose to tell if that sick bastard will come back to finish the job?" As he commanded, the paramedics carefully helped you into the ambulance as if they were afraid to apply even the slightest amount of pressure to your illusionary injuries.

You internally cursed. You did not want surveillance on you or your home; that was an invasion of privacy. However, you decided not to argue it for now and you let the paramedics take you back to the prison infirmary.

They tried caring for you, but you insisted that they let you do it yourself, blaming it on trauma from the "incident" and not wanting to be touched.

Once back in your own office, you quickly gathered all of the blueprints that he had given you. If questioned, you would make the excuse that you were trying to decipher their meaning, in order to capture him sooner.

As William predicted, they saw nothing out of the ordinary of you grabbing the papers, expecting that you were a determined individual who wanted to right your minor setback as soon as you could. Of course, even if they realised what the numbers meant and decoded them, without the vital missing part, the coordinates could lead to anywhere within an impossibly large area to cover.

A thorough manhunt through the entire forest came up unfruitful. The only thing worth mentioning was what looked like bear activity, which they instructed the DNR to look into.

It was rough having guards at your sides constantly for so many days straight. They even sat outside the bathroom door when you showered and in front of your bedroom door and window when you slept.

Then, one night, you awoke sharply to smelling salts under your nose.

Spring Bonnie was looming over your bed, close to your face, illuminated only by the moonlight through the slits in the window blinds.

"They're unconscious." William spoke. "Sleeping gas." He explained with amusement. "I brought you a gift." He handed you a box. "It will open to your voice alone. You'll find what you need inside." He gazed at you with lidded silver eyes.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now