Chapter Six: The Fourth Closet

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The door opens and Will looks innocently at the men with his hands shackled once again, as if nothing had occurred. "Have we arrived already?" He inquired with a patronizing smirk.

The men turned several keys and put in a code to open his cage door and flanked him as he exited the truck. William squinted and looked around at the sky, not having seen it in a long time. As he took in and enjoyed the sights, the guards turned to you solemnly.

"As ordered, we will take our leave from here and return in one hours time... Please, be safe." They all tipped their hats and loaded into the truck, speeding away in a cloud of dust.

Henry Emily's house was dilapidated and sagging with negligence and the harsh wear of weather over 10 years time. The lawn looked like nature had reclaimed it for her own once more and was going after the house next. William looked pleasantly satisfied as he looked around and then at you, with sultry delight. Despite how thrilled he seemed to be here with her his first statement was,

"I always hated this place." He said with a sharp smile, lacking any mirth, and animosity deep in his eyes, though not for you.

"Henry was your business partner, right? If you worked with him, why did you hate this place?" You wondered.

"He was." He said with obvious hatred in his tone. "Or so I believed. A true equal wouldn't have kept trade secrets from me. This place is a reminder of all the valuable knowledge that he took to his selfish grave." He hissed bitterly.

You pulled him closer by the chains around his wrists, using your key to unlock all of his shackles. "If you run away, I'll be forced to use my taser on you." You warned. "I'm removing these because I think for the most part, I trust you. Having you wear shackles is degrading."

All his anger toward Henry faded when you spoke again. He looked at you so softly as you unshackled him. "Thank you, y/n." He said with indubitable gratitude, and affection that was palpable like sweet honey. Now free to move, he takes your hand and kisses the back like a gentleman.

You blushed, facing the house again. "Should we go inside now?"

He saw the blush and gave a sassy smile. He sauntered over to the back door like a showman.

The house was clearly torn up by what seemed to be years of exposure to the elements without being cared for. The door was locked but the wood frame was so moldy he easily hefted it open with a wet crack of wood. The floor didn't look safe to walk on and the ceiling was sagging so low that he had to duck.

"Right this way, love, we will be needing to go through the fourth closet in the second bedroom." He informed you. "Step lightly and keep close." He offered you his hand. "And while on the topic of secrets, I resolved to not keep any more from you, my dear, so with that in mind you have full access to me at the moment."

"I think I'll just let you lead the way for right now so we can focus. This place is a safety hazard. I'll ask questions once we get to the basement." You looked into his eyes briefly and smiled.

You gently grabbed his hand and followed close behind William, making sure to step only where he was walking to ensure your safety. He laces his long fingers with yours and locks them together securely while the two of you traverse the precarious house. You both reach what might have been a girl's bedroom with four closets for some odd reason, just as he hinted at.

He makes no delay opening the fourth closet door. It seems empty but he grins wide in triumph. He pulls the clothes rack rod and the back wall comes off. He sets it aside and you can see, in the gloomy dimness, a rusty generator. He gives a laborious yank to the chain and, with a spray of orange dust, it whirls to life noisily.

He presses a button on the wall near a small speaker and leans in, saying with his deep velvet voice,

"It's me."

The side wall cracks loudly, the sound startling you, and somewhere unseen gears begin to grind, causing the wall to slide open and then up and away into the opposing wall. There is a cramped elevator with metal grating for sides, ceiling and floor. It is illuminated only by a glaring wash of flickering red light.

He steps inside the mechanism that felt as if it belonged in a horror game, still holding your hand and tugs you inside and flush against his side.

"Forgive me, love, this lift was only built to hold one." He apologizes for the crowded space that caused you to press into him, but his smile is sneaking onto his lips giving away how much he's loving this. "You don't want your skin to get ground off on the rough concrete wall." He warns, explaining his action as he draws you ever nearer.

He presses the down button. The elevator plummets but he holds you close. The chute is making a terrible racket and shaking tremendously. With a screech of metal cable it comes to a halt and reveals an open room, much to your relief. The room is dark but multiple sets of glowing silver eyes begin to appear in the corners and even on the ceiling. They draw closer and you hear heavy machinery moving with jerky motions.

William's grin only widens.

"Hello, children."

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now