Chapter Twelve: An Eternal Party

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[The following chapter contains spoilers for the official novel "The Fourth Closet."]

"That sounds like a perfect future to me." You told him softly, with the overwhelming love you felt for him present in your eyes.

Funtime Chica brings out fresh steaming pizza and drink to go with the cake and serves it with a smile. The other animatronics kept singing and playing in the background for you while you ate, while Mr. Hippo told stories.

Once you were sated, William wheels over with Liz beaming at you like she had a wonderful secret she was bursting to share.

"There's one more gift I want to give you, my love. My most treasured gift. I have spent many years making just for you." William prefaced.

You took a sip of your drink and faced William, smiling and raising your eyebrow. "You're absolutely spoiling me." You giggled softly. "What is it, darling?"

He took your hand and Elizabeth pushed his wheelchair into the side room. He pulled a key that was on a chain necklace out of his shirt and Liz brought him to a tall wardrobe cabinet. He unlocked it.

He took a deep breath before apprehensively saying to you,

"Go ahead. Open it. I hope you like it."

You hesitated and looked at him and Elizabeth for a moment, before walking to the wardrobe. You grabbed the handles, opening it slowly to see what was inside.

The lighting in the room was positioned to shine upon its contents. It was a stunning animatronic version of you; polished, elegant and perfect. Everything you had always wanted to be.

"I can modify it, if it's not precisely to your taste." He says nervously. Liz is absolutely fawning over it. "You'll get one just as nice, dear." He touches her arm and her eyes glow brighter.

"It's absolutely beautiful, William... I love it." You ran your fingers gently along the smooth surface, smiling softly. After a moment of marvelling at it, you turned to face him.

You didn't know how else to ask the next question, trembling slightly with nervousness. "...Am I going to die?"

William took hold of your hand and pulled you into his lap and close against his collarbone, comforting you with caresses and kisses to your hair, cheek and forehead.

"Not the same manner that everyone else dies, my love. There will be no unknown of what comes after because I will make sure that when it happens, your soul inhabits this suit, so we can still be together and love each other forevermore. You'll no longer grow old, or need to eat, sleep or any other undesirable life function. You'll have all the time you want to do only what you desire. Just like my darling Elizabeth." He motions proudly to her and she smiles back reassuringly.

"Unfortunately, it's unknown when a human being will die and I'm terrified of taking the risk of losing you...I was would help me ensure your safety with a fail safe procedure." He began gently. "I have amassed plenty of sedatives and pain medications to ease you through it."

"....." You frowned and looked up into his eyes. You swallowed and nodded. "Okay...if it's for the best, I will...I trust you."

He takes your face in his hands.

"Don't be afraid, my heart. You won't end up in a wheelchair like me. It wasn't the procedure that made me this way. My health began to fail me many years ago. After a few weeks, you'll be back to yourself and strong as ever." He promised, before explaining further,

"I'm only removing non-vital things you can survive without; gallbladder, appendix, spleen and the like. I've done the same with myself." He assured you with a soft smile. "The soul will follow the body after death to its new home."

"Alright, William...I hope it'll work out." You murmur, always uneasy about surgeries, but not opposed to it.

"It will." Elizabeth hugs you from behind. "Father trained me to perform surgeries on him. I'm very skilled. I won't let anything bad happen to you." [Author note: Elizabeth doing surgery is based on the canon official novel where Elizabeth is grown up and William trained her to be a surgeon.]

"And I'll be here the whole time." William whispers, holding your hand. "I'll be right there when you wake up. We all will."

The silver eyes of all the animatronics glow from the darkness.

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