Chapter Seven: A Serial Killer's Confession

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Once you noticed the eyes of others in the basement, you fell silent, looking up at William for an explanation. "Those eyes are too tall to be children...or even humans. What is down here with us?" You felt a chill as they moved closer, now nearly upon you.

"They all obey me and I would not allow any of them to harm you, precious one." He twirled a lock of your hair as he spoke.

William is completely calm and comfortable in this foreboding space. He shook his head, his eyes trained dismissively on the silver lights that were the size of softballs positioned at well over 7 feet high.

You could see them now. These animatronics weren't like the ones at Freddy's. They were horrifying, twisted monstrosities made for murder.

"...Hello, father." One said in a feminine robotic synth.

"Hello, Elizabeth, apologies that it took me so long." William reached out and placed his hand on the enormous robot's cheek. "I've brought a wonderful surprise. This is y/n." He put an arm around you.

The robot looked at you with shining green eyes. "It's you... Father told me so much about you. That means he did it! He really did!" Her voiced glitches and what should have sounded like excitement transformed into a disturbing sound that gave you cognitive dissidence.

"He did what?" You were confused and, once again, wondering how long he's been talking about you, since she seemed to know about you, he would have needed to tell her before being arrested. Has William not stopped thinking of you all these years?

To answer your previous question, he replied softly, "My darling, I was not caught...I turned myself in. I told them there was more than they could imagine to know about me...enough to warrant the death penalty...but I would not confess to anyone but you." He said affectionately. "What my daughter meant is that I succeeded in bringing you home with me." He voice lowered into an anguished longing.

"Everything I have done has led up to this choice, y/n. You have everything you'd need here to convict me and constitute lethal injection...or you have the opportunity to make new cherished memories. I offer my enchanted wonderland to you and I ask nothing in return...Only your complete understanding."

He turned you gently to face him and see his immeasurable sincerity.

"Officer y/n!" An urgent voice on your walkie broke through in garbled static.

It was the Warden. "Is everything alright?! Can you hear me, Officer y/n? Don't let him get into your head! He may look like a man, but he's a monster."

As he spoke, William slowly reached out and touched your chin with his fingertips, gently lifting your gaze to his, deeply adoring you and terrified to lose you.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now