Chapter Two: A Dangerous Proposal

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"You are well aware of the repercussions of any actions you take to harm me." You stated, slowly walking towards the bars bravely. 

The guards in the room also moved closer, grabbing their weapons and holding them ready, with fear in their eyes.

You raised a hand to stop the guards, silently commanding them to wait as you never once allowed your eyes to leave Afton's.

"I have a feeling that you will not harm me." You said to William under your breath. For some reason, you felt shy about your peers hearing you say this, but were uncertain as to why. "I've studied you; you're far too smart to make that mistake."

You slowed to a stop at an arm's length away from the bars.

William stood poised and unmoving, like a viper ready to strike, though his visage was perfectly calm. His expression almost had a hint of longing. He frowns when you stop, just short of his reach.

"It's all right. Don't be afraid." He purrs, in a reassuring, heartfelt way. His gaze is almost blanketed in affection, a detail that you could only see by being this close to him, but your police training allowed you to detect the plotting deep in his eyes.

"I am an honest man who keeps my word. During my morning tea, I had informed your subordinates," His eyes flicked at the guards briefly before returning to your eyes and looking deeply into them. "that I had wondrous ideas to share with you...and only you. So, if you will, y/n. I'll need you to move closer to the edge."

"Mr. Afton, I didn't rise to my station of authority by compromising with criminals. I won't be lured into a trap like one of your victims." You were hesitant to comply, but not confident in your own words. Even at this distance, you could smell sandalwood soap, a reminder that in order to get what little information you had gleaned from this famous murderer, you had agreed to give him his preferred soap scent and thusly compromised with him already.

His face fell into noted disappointment. "I may be a monster, but it's unfair to assume I can't also be a gentleman." He seemed to recover from the minor slight, by focusing back on your eyes with intensity. "You're a smart one, y/n. I admire that. Since I want to see you succeed, I have proposed that I will give you more clues to solve your little investigation and for only a small contribution from you in exchange." He murmured in his rare, regal accent , giving you chills.

"I wouldn't ask anything indecent." He gave a deep chuckle at your slight shudder. "I'm nearly out of paper and I have ever so many ideas." He said in an almost lackadaisical way, flourishing a hand over to the pile of finished blueprints, another luxury you had allowed him in order to gain the information in your current file. "I don't suppose you could find it in your heart to order me another set?" William asked you with a charming smile that made your heart pound.

"Officer y/n." A guard in the room said to you, hushed. "All the inmates have the same budget and he has exceeded his long ago."

"Well, my Spring Bonnie suit is free. I don't suppose I could get that instead?" William chuckled in a taunting manner, knowing very well that would not be happening.

You went silent for a minute, looking at the elegantly drafted blueprints. "Just get him some more paper and take the cost out of my pay. I need him to talk, and if he's willing to talk this easily, a pack of paper is worth it." You ordered your underling.

The guards look at each other nervously and Afton shoots them a triumphant grin, flourishing the back of his lanky hand at them dismissively to shoo them off like dogs.

One of them hesitantly speaks the demands into his walkie to the Warden. William returns his attention to you, looking pleased.

"I have no regrets for allowing that imbecile to bring me here to you. The extra uninterrupted time I've had on my hands has done me good. Would you like to see some of my new and improved designs?" He offers with pride.

"Officer John expertly tracked you down and risked his life to arrest you." You countered his claim firmly.

"It was child's play to convince him that it was all his idea." William gave a short laugh at what he considered irony. "No matter, his perception of the truth does not affect my plans." He gave a bemused smile.

"And those would be?" You crossed your arms impatiently.

"I am offering you the opportunity to learn more about my goals." William extended his hand through the bars to you in a theatrical sweeping gesture. "To sweeten the invitation, I have hidden clues within my blueprints that I'm sure someone of your caliber of expertise could decipher with no trouble and in return you can understand me better. You need only to consent."

You deliberated, carefully mulling over his words to find any manipulation before responding. "...Fine. You had better not be wasting my time." You complied and held out your hand so that your fingertips were almost brushing his and waited for William to hand over the blueprints so you could look them over. You were still wary of the prisoner. He could be playing a game.

William understood without you even needing to explain what you wanted of him and picked up the stack. With a content look on his face, he brought the long papers over to you, as if you were two companions bonding together instead of a cop and an inmate.

You're careful to stay far enough away that he has to extend his whole arm through for you to grab the evidence. Regardless, the guards move in closer in anticipation of the situation going awry.

When you first peer over the blueprints, they look like gruesome weapons, designed as robotic animal mascots with ill intent hidden in their mechanisms. You get chills when you read that he has written down the dates set in the near future, for when he plans to use each one. However, your keen training causes you to pick up on a pattern in the drawings...there's some strange shape on each one that doesn't seem to quite have a function.

It's coordinates. Global positioning coordinates...but it's missing the most important one.

"Do look at the back of the last one. It's the most important clue." He notes, reading your expression.

When you flip it over it just says in sweeping script, "Thank you very much, y/n" with a ":)". As you shoot him an unimpressed glance at his toying with a serious situation, he grins back at you almost playfully.

"What's wrong, dove? Could it be missing vital information that you are looking for? I do believe I know precisely where you can find it, but I'll only tell you, y/n, when we are alone." He went over to his table and sat down in a bare folding chair, crossing an ankle over one knee comfortably.

"Given the pattern of our previous transactions, what are your demands in exchange?" You cut to the point.

"All I ask in return is that you have lunch with me." He smiled over to you with innocence so convincing it was unsettling. "I don't expect you to let me out and I know it would be too much to ask for you to join me in here, although I would very much enjoy that," His eyes shone for a moment. "So, you can simply join me across from these bars."

"...I need to discuss this with the warden first. It's risky on my part to have the guards leave the room like that." You gave in, seeing no other way except to play his game, and brushed a stray strand of hair aside, letting out a deep sigh. When you brush your hair aside, you see him mimic the motion, almost as if he's the one doing it for you, instead. Followed by an almost teasing grin.

You couldn't believe you were actually considering having lunch with him.

"That's more than I could have hoped for." He lids his silver eyes. They were a storm of plotting that seemed to mask the fondness hidden beneath. The guards look worriedly at you, but they wouldn't undermine you of all people. You were way out of their rank and they would trust your judgment, despite the sinking feeling in the pits of their stomachs.

"I'll be waiting for you." He said with a touch of unexpected adoration and turned back to his desk to straighten his drafting supplies. "Do hurry back, y/n." He purred with dark amusement.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now