Chapter Eleven: Dance With the Devil

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Everything was still so surreal. You never imagined the most dangerous criminal in America would be your lover. Despite what he was, you only felt comfortable and safe around him.

"Hey there, inmate." You joked softly from the entrance of the laboratory.

You saw William's shoulders raise slightly at the sound of your voice. He wasn't expecting you.

Liz must have been making routine rounds earlier when she found you. He looks over his shoulder with a gentle look, hoping that he hadn't heard incorrectly. His expression becomes feather soft when his gaze finds you. He turns around and takes hold of a cane leaning against his table.

"Y/n..." He says breathlessly with his honeyed voice.

He takes a stride toward you and winces, gripping his cane tightly.

"Father!" Liz rushes over and steadies him with worry. She goes behind the workbench and gets a wheel chair, rushing it over to him.

You frowned, seeing how his condition has worsened, setting your bag down and walking over to William. "Hey, don't strain yourself if you're hurting, okay?" You gently ran your fingertips over his sunken cheek with a loving expression on your face.

William painfully lowered himself into the chair. "It's all right, love." he assured you, but his face showed restrained traces of immense agony. "I do not move so well outside of the Spring Bonnie suit's support." He explained.

Liz looked so stone serious and concerned, hands gripping the handles of the wheelchair nervously. William looked at you with deep affection, reaching a skeleton thin hand up to touch your cheek. His skin felt so cold.

"You're here...with really wanted to be with me, didn't you?" He seems mystified, like he had already accepted the inevitability of never seeing you again and this was a cruel suffering-induced hallucination.

"Yes, of course. I'll stay here as long as you need me. I'll help care for you in any way I can." You pressed your hand against his to warm it.

"Then it will be forever, my dearest soul~" He whispered with such intense affection that you felt your blood rush, as he turned his face enough to kiss your palm.

"He's been getting worse, fast." Liz said worriedly to you. "I've been doing everything I can to help him...but I'm not enough...Please, help us." She said with desperation. "I don't want to lose him!"

As she sounded on the verge of tears, William touched her hand over his shoulder.

"My dear, shhhh, y/n's here, now, and I don't plan on dying like this. Or ever dying, for that matter." He gave both a faint smile. "Let's not forget we planned a party, sweetie. Would you like to see it, y/n?"

"Of course I would. " You smiled reassuringly to Elizabeth, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

William gives you a smile with a look of relief, as if he finally had accomplished a long-lived ambition that he had come close to failing. He reached out and took your hand, kissing it softly but long and deeply before looking up into your eyes.

"Y/n....Welcome home."

He gestured to a doorway that beckoned with flashing colourful lights. Liz smiled wide and excitedly pushed William's wheelchair toward it. The room was wonderfully decorated and full of animatronics. DJ Musicman was playing songs and Glamrock Chica was singing while others danced. The song was about you and set to the tune of your favourite Freddy's song.

Your eyes brightened and sparkled when you saw the sight. It was so beautiful and fun and lively, and it gave you a flashback to all your happy years in the pizzaria.

"Thank you...this is amazing." You manage to whisper sentimentally. Nobody had thrown a party for you in years.

William looks at you amorously, a kind of easing to his pain seen since you arrived.

"I've been tweaking and perfecting it for two weeks." He admitted with a pained chuckle. "I still think it was an accident, but you invented this one." He pointed and Funtime Freddy did a front flip and landed triumphantly with the puppet Bonnie clapping. "Accident or not, I didn't know they were capable of that until you decided to push those buttons under the stage that day." He grinned sidelong.

You giggled, watching the bear flip. "Sometimes the best things come from mistakes." You leaned down and kissed William, running your fingers gently through his pushed back grey-frosted hair.

William leans into the kiss with yearning, craving you. His hands gently take your waist and pull you nearer and guides you into his lap as his lips reclaim yours with appreciation; cherishing you.

"I'm going to be with you for eternity. I promise." You assured as you felt such strong affection for him that it almost hurt.

"I feel the same way, love. Every year I spent waiting for you was worth the long-suffering." He pet your cheek with a thoughtful look.

His smile spread into something you couldn't quite read. His mind was buzzing with a secret he wouldn't quite share just yet.

"Let's get to the festivities." He offered with a musical tone. He waved his hand and Funtime Chica brought over a huge delicious cake with y/n name written on it in your favourite colours.

You gasped, blushing and smiling when the cake was brought over. "It's beautiful... this is so special to me, thank you.." You felt like royalty with everyone being so kind and absolutely spoiling you.

William smiled in contentment. "You look so brilliant, and I don't mean the outfit, it's that smile you're wearing."

"Shhhh nooo!" You hid your flustered face in your hands.

William chuckles and kisses the backs of your hands that are covering your face.

There is a tap on your shoulder. Spring Bonnie is standing on his own and extending a hand with a gentleman-like bow.

"Might I ask for a dance, my esteemed guest?" He offers his hand to you, his foot tapping to the music. The other animatronics in the back nod eagerly for you to accept it.

"I'm not in the best of health for dancing at the moment." William smiled apologetically to you. "Please dance with my favourite animatronic in my place."

"Of course you may." You smiled and placed your hand gently into the golden rabbit's, letting him put a hand on your waist as you clasped his other hand.

He took the lead and swept you up, easily twirling you and gliding you along the floor without your feet touching due to his height, all the time in his strong mechanical arms.

William looked at you softly as they danced. "This is the dance I always wanted to do with you." He said wistfully. "I mapped my own movements and programmed them into him so I still could, even like I am now."

"You never cease to amaze me, William. Maybe in the future we can dance together like this." You smiled hopefully, glancing at the animatronic bunny and smiling happily.

Spring Bonnie stepped to the music perfectly...then you realised it; that the whole dance was choreographed to your favourite song.

At that moment, William began to sing it to you while they danced. You closed your eyes and felt enraptured with joy in this moment. Then, unexpectedly, there was a new 4th verse, one that didn't exist where the song should have ended. It was heartfelt and sang about you in name and how William would love you forever and eternally.

You couldn't help but tear up a bit at the last part. After thanking Spring Bonnie for the amazing dance, you went over to William and bent down to be level with his face and touched his cheeks gently. "I'll love you forever as well, darling."

William smiled into the kiss, both loving that he could be with you always, and knowing there would be no end to the two of you.

"I know, precious." He whispers deeply, petting your hair. "I'll make sure of it." He assures full-heartedly. "You, me, Elizabeth, everyone...we will all be together forever." He looks into your eyes earnestly.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now