Chapter Fourteen: Something Monstrous

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Outside of your apartment, Officer John sat in his car, looking intently out the window. The ashes and charred remains of the station's foundation were etched into his mind.

'That's the only time in my life I've ever been glad I was sick...' He thought sullenly, having been the only one absent the day of the fire.

'I know it was Afton. They said it was an electrical accident...but nobody got out. They blamed the so-called surge for shorting out the door locks and sealing everyone inside...but only we knew about the safe room hidden inside. No one was able to make it had to be his doing. Y/n...are you safe?'

He shouldered open the door of his old car and climbed out, craning his neck up at your apartment before closing the door. He pulled out his phone with your contact still open, a receipt of missed calls and unread texts. He used his thumb to type, 'I'm here. I'm coming up.'

He stuffed the phone back into his pocket, heading up the steps and trying the door. Locked. His pulse sped up. He pushed the talk button next to the dusty speaker.

"Y/n?" He said loudly into it. He leaned on the wall, foot tapping with anxiety, waiting...hoping. There was only static as a reply.

Something's happened to y/n... Something atrocious.

Heart pounding, he ran back to his car and fumbled the door open, leaning over the seat and grabbing his walkie off the dash with trembling hands, pulling it to his mouth.

"Requesting clearance from the neighbouring unit." He rasped, mouth dry.

"Copy. State your intent." A garbled voice replied.

"Permission to activate former officer y/n's tracking device." He plugged a pin into his phone and looked at his GPS screen intently. "I have reasonable suspicion that a criminal at large has made contact." He strummed his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel, turning the car on.

"That's a copy. Granted. Sheriff wants a full report of what you find." The echoing voice replied. The screen on the dashboard showed a location out of town in a remote location marked as abandoned private property. "Anything else?"

The pinpoint blinked softly to the beat of his pounding heart.

"Back up." He replied solemnly.

Your eyes fluttered open, the room still fuzzy and slightly blurry as the anaesthetic wore off. The hospital bed was slightly inclined and you had plenty of pillows under you and a soft blanket keeping you warm. There were several heart monitor stickers on you connected to thin wires, but the I.V.s had already been removed. You only felt a dull ache in your chest in a few small places.

You lifted the blanket to inspect the locations, your vision becoming a little clearer. There were very small, minimally invasive marks that had been cauterised shut. Other than a slightly raised, lighter line of scar tissue your skin didn't look much different.

You let go and let the blanket fall softly over you and looked about the room, your vision now fully clarified, squinting into the gloomy room, obscured by darkness except for the round surgical floodlight over your bed.

Twisted metal monstrosities with burning silver eyes surrounded your gurney at all sides, their glowing eyes all fixed upon you intensely. Their forms blocked off all sides of escape, some of their clawed metal hands resting on the bed around you. They weren't moving, except for slight twitches from either excess electrical discharge or a malfunction or glitch. One reached out for your face in a quick motion.

You jumped back, heart pounding, throwing the blanket off. The creature touched your cheek with a cold, clawed hand and caressed softly.

"It's all right...." You heard William's deep voice soothe you from a far corner of the room. You heard his wheelchair rolling across the concrete form, slightly scraping and creaking from metal that needed oiling.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now