Chapter Four: Henry Emily's Home

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A half hour later, you return to his holding cell block with a bottle of the wine he told you to buy, two wine glasses, two salads and plastic forks all in a tote bag.

As you walk through the prison, every guard you pass by either does a double take or follows you with their gaze until they're turned around. Word seems to have gotten around already about what you were about to do. Gossip does love controversy.

The four guards are still waiting in the hall by the door marked "Afton." They don't dare question your authority.

You enter in and the murderer is laying in seren pose as if at peace.

"Where do you want me?" You ask bluntly.

When you make yourself known he genuinely smiles, with his eyes still closed. "Y/n...At last." He whispers, with an exhilarated fondness.

William gets to his feet and taps the chair in his cell with a wolfish smile to answer your question.

"You know what? Fine. Okay. But you know what the guards will do if they hear anything going wrong." You make clear.

You carried the tote bag over to the barred door, covering the keypad and typing in the passcode, before letting the machine scan your maximum clearance ID card. When the door was finally open, you hesitated to enter, unsure of what William might do.

William looked at you, reveling in the moment. He stands up quickly and pulls out a chair for you, offering it with a flourish of his hand.

"Do close and lock the door behind you, lamb." He said so innocently that someone less trained would have dropped their guard, if it were not for the calculating intellet in his eyes betraying an unknown plan. "Prison protocol will set off an alarm if my door is unlocked for longer than 120 seconds."

"Right." You set the food on the table and shut the cell door, causing it to automatically lock. "I decided that getting you a gas station salad would be a rude, considering you have to eat whatever they dig up from the prison freezers. So I picked these up from a nice restaurant."

"That was thoughtful of you." He says sincerely, tucking in your chair for you once you sat down, having a surprising amount of strength for how thin he was. He secretly took in your scent as he did, but you were sure you felt your hair move. There wasn't a second chair so he sat on the bed on the other side of the table.

He takes his time opening the salad, wanting to enjoy this time alone with you. "I do appreciate you coming all this way, so as promised, I will answer some of your questions."

"Thank you for cooperating and being calm, that's something I've always admired about you. Would you like some wine?" You opened your salad as well, pouring in the dressing and mixing it in.

He looked charmed. "I would love some, thank you, (your favourite nick name)." He accepted the glass and swirled it before taking a small sip. "As for cooperation, I promised to help you and I am a man of my word. I intend to help you solve this case. You'll no doubt be famous and go down in history by the time we're done." He said and took another sip while looking at you with enamored eyes over the lip of the glass.

You felt your cheeks heat up by such an intensely intimate moment of eye contact, and you quickly hid behind your own glass of wine as you took a long sip. "I don't care much about fame, I'm just doing my job. I appreciate your interest in seeing me succeed."

"My pleasure." He assured, setting down the glass. "I do wish the environment were more idyllic. I did not pick the interior. I prefer my dwellings to be more elegant. Perhaps someday I will show you" His eyes shone silver in the overhead fluorescent light and he quickly moved on, before you could dwell on that too long, by saying,

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now