Chapter Five: An Intimate Moment

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You shivered at what he implied. What security features could he mean? After seeing the weaponized mascots in his blueprints, you were certain you knew what he meant by that. At the same time, you were also so hesitant to trust him let him out of prison in order to go there with him.

He was as dangerous as his creations.

"Fine." You said firmly. "We can go."

"Smart." He smiled with hooded eyes.

(ts) It hadn't been an easy talk with the Warden at all, but he reluctantly allowed you the permission to take William to the late Henry Emily's abandoned house. The stipulations were that William would have a locked tracking bracelet around his ankle and also that a full team of armed men be around the perimeter 1 mile away at all times, ready to deploy on your command or if the tour takes longer than 1 hour.

Today was the day you were scheduled to let the mass murderer out of his confinement. The guards approached his cage and he smiled and held his hands up and then laid face down. The four men quickly closed in and shackled his feet and hands and put a metal chain lead around his neck so he couldn't escape on the way to the truck.

William was cooperative, smiling at you the whole time with a secret entertainment behind the expression. You knew the secret: he was allowing them to do this.

One of the men broke the trance between you and William with, "Officer y/n." He hands the end of the chain lead to you. There is a shackle on the end. "We thought it would be best if you were the one." He explained, although worried. William grinned over the guard's head at you, waiting to see what you would do.

You chuckled slightly, locking your own wrist in the shackle. "See? I told you this would likely happen."

William grinned, "At least you bought me dinner first." He raised his brows playfully.

He followed beside you as the guards marched to the armored truck. It was steel reinforced, bulletproof and had a cozy little cage built inside especially for William to be 'comfortable' in during the trip. There was an actually comfortable chair set up and bolted down beside it for you with a seatbelt. Once William was locked inside the interior cage and you were buckled in, they gave you a salute and, with worried expressions, closed the heavy door.

You heard several large locking mechanisms. Then you felt the force of the truck build momentum.

William was humming, looking quite happy despite his predicament. In his merry mood, he began singing....a song that you knew.

It hit you like a wave of nostalgia, the familiarity bringing back smells and memories you had long forgotten.

"You always did love that song." He mused with a slight curl to his lips, looking at the wall lost in thought. "Despite being an adult, you would often come to my pizzaria after your shifts. You seemed so sad and yet whenever I would catch you humming that song, you would smile, so I made sure to always perform it for you when you arrived." He looked over at you. "Of course, you didn't know it was me doing the singing, since I was in costume. I had taken a shine to you ever since I found you under my stage once. You were actually using the equipment properly. Mechanisms I had invented myself. Astonishing that you picked it up that quickly. Do you recall me joining you and showing you how to make the band dance?"

You went silent, eyes locking onto his. "That How did I not recognize you?" The dimmed past flooded back, overwhelming you with sentimental good memories, bringing sappy tears to your eyes.

William looked upon you with happiness. "I was a lot healthier back then. The spring lock accident has permanently changed me. Do not fret, I don't hold it against you for moving on with your life as you did. All the while, I never forgot you. Not someone as brilliant as you. I had entertained that I could have trained you to be an engineer and perhaps you would build animatronics with me one day...alas, as it were, time can be cruel...Fate has set us up as enemies."

He looked genuinely sad. "Have I upset you, darling?" He whispered, seeing the tears in your eyes. He extended a hand non-threateningly through the bars to brush his knuckles lightly across your cheekbone to catch a tear.

"You haven't upset me." You sighed, biting your lip. "I'm not even sure if we're enemies anymore, William. Part of me, the past me, is comforted by you. I think the old me would have rushed into your arms for a hug if I hadn't ended up your officer."

"You still can." William whispered and moved slowly to show no sign of danger. You felt his fingertips brush against your shoulders and then pull you closer with a gentle grip that hinted at the immense strength he was holding back in order to be so tender. The bars were just wide enough for him to rest his chin on your shoulder as he bent over. His roughly shaven cheek tickled across the side of your neck and he delicately breathed in your scent. The truck hit a bump but you didn't even budge in his tight embrace. You felt him twirling the back of your hair.

"Thank you, I needed this." You whisper with your eyes closed and a small content smile. "I know what we're doing is unprofessional and could get me fired, but I don't care right now." You nuzzled your cheek gently into his, feeling his relaxed smile. "Thank you for all the good memories."

It's clear he wants to continue holding you for as long as you would allow. He pets your hair soothingly, allowing you to do what you'd like without hindrance. "I'd give you many more if you only allow me the opportunity." He whispered softly.

You pause, realizing this discovery in the basement may cause him to receive the death penalty instead of the 5 life sentences he currently has. "...You're making me question my career..."

At that, he says with conviction, "That was never my intention, love."

The truck was coming to a stop. "To avoid any unwanted delays, I should put those handcuffs back on." William grinned.

It only then occurred to you that you had not removed his restraints, so he had done so himself at some point without you even noticing.

"Perhaps you really could have escaped the prison yourself." You laughed softly, sitting back down in your seat. You observed William for a moment longer, taking in his finely aged appearance. His identity was now convoluted between being a serial killer and someone who was special to you during your hardest time in life. He didn't even know how your trips to the pizzeria were the only times you felt at peace and happy back then. It was the reason you took up the missing children's cases that were linked to Freddy's after it closed down.

You couldn't have known that the CEO and the mystery man in the golden bunny suit whom you cherished were the same person. Could you really betray him now that you knew the truth? You felt a pang of guilt at that thought. He deserved to be punished. It was your job to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. You were an officer and William Afton was both your old friend and your prisoner. You knew you would have to make a difficult choice.

William Afton x Officer!Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now