Yes. I Will

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"You're not running a prostitution ring are you?" I stared at him skeptically.

"I am not." He said without looking up. I leaned back in the chair and studied him carefully. He was a man of few words, unless he wanted something dearly. I expect it to be out of courtesy since all he had to do was glare at someone to get what he wanted.

We were in his office and he was typing away at his computer while simultaneously going through documents. I didn't have the courage to ask what he does but I'm sure it's important since he lives in this big ass mansion.

It's been 4 days since I came here. He left on the second day for "business" and came back this morning. I'm slightly ashamed to say I missed him. The minute he came back, he requested I visit him in his office. I half expected him to chat about his trip with me and half expected him to ignore my existence. My latter expectation won.

While he was gone, I had several people attend to my needs and I was guarded 24/7 by these man beast that look like they wrestle bears for sport. Even if I wanted to leave the house, I couldn't. I was too scared.

Before he left, he gave me "instructions" and "rules" to follow. They were few and simple: Don't leave the house, only answer the phone he gave me, be in "our" bedroom by 10pm on the dot and not a millisecond afterwards (his exact words not mine), and don't blast the tv or any music in the house.

When he told me these things, his tone was threatening mixed with finality. I didn't dare oppose or negotiate them. I guess he noticed my distress and decided to soften his tone when he told me that I could ask the maid and his guard for whatever I needed or wanted.

I was too scared to talk to them so the maids ended up offering me things until I accepted what I wanted. The guards spoke not a word but made their presence clear. I wasn't sure how to feel about everything. Back with Tyson, I had these same rules with a few adjustments. I had to be in his room at all times unless he gave me permission to leave, I didn't have a cellphone, only a house phone that was monitored by him, and though the maids were instructed to "help" me, they only did his dirty work.

Though the similarities were there, it was a difference in execution. Gaige's maid were nice and helpful, they were genuinely trying to meet my needs and help me feel comfortable. His guards, though intimidating, were very respectful. I'm not sure why he gave me a curfew but maybe he had his reason. It is his house.

Still, nothing was settling 100% right with me. No matter the difference, I still didn't like it.

I didn't leave an oppressive relationship to be in a dependent one.

Mugen rustled his papers, snapping me out of me trace. My eyes wondered across his face, back and forth, trying to pick his world apart. I have so many questions, some that has nothing to do with why he won't let me leave. I want to learn him but I'm too afraid of the knowledge.

"Sarasi." My name sounded so familiar coming out of his mouth. I straightened up immediately and caught his gaze. He said nothing but rather gave me a look that asked, "Are you okay?"

I could not respond to him because I did not know. I did not know what to make of my situation because I did not know him. Tyson was easy to read because he showed me his true self and laid all his mask on the table and carefully showed me each one. So far Mugen has only shown me one mask and I barely understand it. I can't even imagine how many more he has inside.

Could I truly love and trust a man so secretive and distant.

I wanted him to talk to me, to confess his inner sins and break down his solid walls. I wanted to know what made him tick, what's a tune that make him sway. The little things, like his favorite color and how he eats his eggs in the morning. I wanted to learn and for him to be my teacher but yet, I'm afraid of his lessons.

"One minute you're staring me down and the next, you're staring blankly. Are you ill?" He didn't take his eyes off of me.

"No-I-I'm sorry-." I stumbled on my words and nervously fidgeted.

"Don't apologize. If something is troubling you, I want you to inform me." He spoke sincerely. I sighed and turned away.

Do I tell him that I want to leave this place and find my own freedom? Would he get angry and send me back with Tyson?

Tyson, my legal husband who's probably turning this city upside down to find me. His prized possession.

"Your husband, you miss him." Mugen stated sourly. "You want to go back to him don't you?"

He was getting angry.

"I don't." I admitted. "But I also don't want to stay here."

"Why? Is it because of your senseless fear that he could bring harm to me or you?"

I gulped. "No. It's just....." How would he take this?

"Tell me." He demanded with urgency.

"I been trapped in his house for months and he wouldn't let me see the light of day and now I'm here and you won't let me leave and I need fresh air. I need to get out. I need to breathe. I need to breathe. I can't breathe. I can't-." The words rushed out of my mouth with haste.

He reached across but I instinctively flinched back. He didn't avert his steady hand but continued in his path until his fingers were able to flutter lightly against my cheek. I felt him wipe away at my cheek and realized that I had been crying and on the verge on a panic attack.

"Just how many lines has that bastard crossed to bring you this far down." He muttered angrily to himself while he caressed my cheek. It felt nice. Everything about him is so rugged and lethal but under few conditions, I'm able to see a a softer, more gentler side of him. Was this a mask or his true self?

My hands ached to intertwine with his. I wanted to reach out and bring his face to mine. I wanted to kiss him, him to kiss me, I wanted to love him, him to love me.

Are these my true feelings or is this my subconscious desire to be accepted and loved by another?

"If you want to leave I shall let you." He said. My eyes widened and my lips parted. "But I will be accompanying you of course. Where do you want to go?"

I was speechless and he chuckled. "Fine, I will take you somewhere. It's beautiful and I'm sure you'll love it. Will you go with me?"

Will I?

I'm clearly full of contradictions. I'm stupendously indecisive. I'll get badly burnt by this man. So why did I feel myself nodding?

"Yes. I will."

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