A Night Out in Miami part 2

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Mugen couldn't keep his hands to himself. His lips neither. He nipped at my bare skin and tugged at the straps of my dress. He fondled my breast and was whispering the most dirtiest thing that his desires had to offer, in my ear. He held little to no care about the fact that his brother and my best friend was seated directly across from us. But then again, those 2 were in their own predicament.

Neagan was close, very close, just one "yes" away from binding his entire self onto Selena. His arm was slugged around the top part of her seat and he was whispering to her lowly. Selena's cheeks were wildly on fire and and her hands were a shaking mess confined to the safety of her lap. She inched away from him as humanly possible. She looked at if she was debating whether to jump on Neagan's lap or throw herself out the window.

I somewhat felt bad for her but at the same time, it was funny. I wondered if this was how Mugen and I seemed when we first met. It was a disaster but it was beautiful at least.

"You smell so sweet." Mugen was trailing his fingers up and down my arm. "I'm dying to taste you but first we had to do something about this dress." He smiled distastefully at it.

I rolled my eyes and swatted his hands away. We were pulling up to the museum so he needed to get his shit in order.

"Behave." I warned him.

"Behave?" He chuckled. "I haven't begun to do anything to you. Yet." He made sure to heavily imply his plans for me in the upcoming future.

"Just keep your hands to yourself." I told him and he chuckled again.

"Behaving isn't my style and keeping my hands to myself isn't my forte. I thought you would have known this by now given the many times you've encouraged it." He kissed my shoulder. I was entangled in his heat and the only thing separating us was fabric.

It felt good, I won't lie but I'm not about to fuck this man in a limo with 2 other people in it. I need to teach him how to read the room because he just doesn't give a fuck.

The car stop and Mugen pulled back with a smirk, adjusting his suit. He successfully got me hot and bothered, knowing I wanted him just as much a he wanted me. The bastard.

He looked so scrumptious in his all black suit. His black hair was tussled and messy but in the most charming way. He smelled like heaven and I could just get lost in his eyes while praying at his feet.

Cocky bastard.

The door open on Mugen's side so he slid out first, offering me his hand once he was out. I grabbed it and was immediately blinded by flashing lights of the nosy paparazzi.

"Deep breaths and baby steps." Mugen encouraged me softly and held onto me tightly. This was my first public appearance since the night I met Mugen so most eyes were on me.

The breeze was a cool and welcoming. Perfect for a night filled with drinks and laughter.

Mugen led me down the red carpet in his arm. And we posed for pictures. Behind us, Selena had shoved Neagan aside and was giving the camera a show. These kind of events never fazed her.

Mugen was trying speed the process up because he thought I was uncomfortable but little did he know, I was waiting for this moment. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a lustful kiss. My tongue was feening for a scandal and made its way inside of his mouth. He let me take the lead and I gave him lots of lip bites. I heard the paparazzi go into a frenzy. I made sure to flash my shiny diamond rock as I grip at his hair. He was running out of breath and trying to pull away but I needed the world to know that this was my man.

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