A Night Out in Miami part 3

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"Listen, sweetie." I smiled sickeningly sweet at her. She put her hands and on her lip and stared me down. He scheming eyes were challenging me. I had something for her ass.

"Titanium was it? You seem to have a lot of hostility in you and I get it. I'd be hostile too if my foundation didn't match my skin tone but that's not the issue here. Lighten up. Smoke some weed, get some dick, go on vacation. There is no reason why you should be this pressed and threatened over a woman who doesn't care about your existence. And quite frankly, despite having so much money, lusting after someone's husband will still make you look like a cheap home wrecker."

"Please. It wasn't a home to begin with. And let's say I did want your husband. It's not like anyone would oppose it. Everyone knows that we are the perfect fit and destined to be in a relationship."

"Really?" I looked between her and Mugen. "And when you say "everyone" is Mugen included?" He looked disturbed.

"Why do you care? Threatened?"

"I don't care. I just think it's important that both parties in a supposed relationship should be aware that they're in the relationship."

"It doesn't matter. You're obviously jealous of me and the relationship that we have. I am his first love so guess who was chasing after me and finding his way into my bedroom every chance he got. You don't compete where you don't compare. I been that bitch and your homeless raggedy looking ass can't name one badder."

"Yzma, the girl from progressive, Becky from the Beyonce song, ugly Betty, Mrs. Fowl, Cersei, my good sis Ursula." I named the few that came to my head. Behind me I heard Mugen sniggering with laughter.

Titania's cocky smile faltered. "I see they don't teach manners like they used to but what else can I expect from a bottom of the barrel, too dusty to be even called lower class, plebeian." She looked me up and down with a snare.

"Your true colors are starting to show. Where were they? Making rounds with Satan?"

"You think anyone will accept you as Mugen's wife? Don't make me die from laughter." Her entire mood shifted.

She has some fucking nerve. My blood is boiling and I'm ready to pounce on her. She looks equally as angry and we might just end up fighting.

"You must think I care."

"You should but I guess that's to much to ask from the daughter of bums. I can tell your parents threw you down flights of stairs for fun on the regular didn't they." She said matter of factly.

"I'd advise you to stop coming for me without a way home because I'm at the dead end of the street and one wrong turn will have you at you final destination. You don't want it Titanium."

"Bitch, you look like an angry raccoon who found stiff weave in the garbage. I'm so sorry for you, is all this pitiful sass just an attempt to hide that you're scared and threaten by me, because you aren't doing quite a fabulous job." She put on a pouty face.

"Was the nose job an attempt to hide your ugly insecurities and false confidence because it isn't doing quite a fabulous job." I smiled smugly at her.

"You cheap, poor, bug eyed bitch. What kind of family do you come from. A direct line of gangbangers and prostitutes turn beggars?" She snarled trying to provoke me. It didn't work. I know who I am and I know of the strength that I carry.

"Worry less about me and more about getting over my husband your delusional psychopath. I rather be cheap and poor than bitchy and rotten. You reek of desperation and delusions, I could vomit. I couldn't give one less fuck about the money you got from being an heiress. You may have worked but the money was still handed to you and since we're on the subject about money handed us. Bitch, as Mrs. Holt, I could buy you and your family twenty times and still have money to pay for plastic surgery to fix that issue you call a face you Treacher Collins Sydrome looking bitch. Why don't you do us all a favor and don't speak unless spoken to before I take your face and slam it repeatedly into the concrete."

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