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"Are you ready?" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I nodded and he led us to his car. It was time to head to his parents house. We'd be picking Selena up along the way.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I had no idea what to expect from his family. From the 3 I had already met and stories that I've heard, I could tell it was going to be an uproar of personalities clashing together.

I just hoped that I wouldn't be caught in the aftermath.

Mugen began loading our luggage in the black SVU after he opened the door for me and helped me inside. Helga came rushing out of the house in a frenzy, barely acknowledging Mugen who was cautious against her excitement.

"For the soon to be Mrs." She handed me a large and heavy paper bag. Confused at the sudden gift, I checked its condiments. It was containers filled with my favorite foods and desserts.

I chuckled softy at her. "Mrs. Aldin, I almost positive there will be food where we are going. You didn't have to pack so much. Also, Mugen won't eat half of this." I glanced down at the macaroni salad and sweet potato pie and just knew he'd be scrunching up his nose in disgust when he saw it.

I'd probably have to give some to Selena.

"Child, how many times must I tell you to call me Helga." She admonished me with a scowl. Truthfully I mean to call her by her name but it's so cute and funny when she tries to discipline me. Unless she's really angry, then she's scary.

Her features softened when she caught my lazy smile. "Nonetheless, it's not for him, but more so for you and the little one."

"Little one?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.


She shook her head without a word and pointed to my stomach with a knowing smirk on her face. Once I realized what she was referring to my jaw dropped and her smirk grew.

"No, no, no. It's not like that." I shook my head furiously. It couldn't be. At least not now. I mean sure Mugen doesn't understand the concept or reality of condoms but I haven't had any symptoms and on top of that, I'm on birth control. There's no way I could be pregnant.


"Mhmm. I had the same belief right until the very last moment when I was in the front lines giving birth."

Front lines of what? I could never tell with her.

"Denial is a dangerous business." She shook her head. "Eat for two. Mugen gets none." She looked at me pointedly, baring her teeth and showing me she will get angry if I refused.

"Fine." I complied. Mostly because once that woman whips out the spatula that she keeps in her apron, not even Mugen could disrupt the chain of adversities that would take place.

"All good?" Mugen stopped next to Helga and looked between us two.

"Splendido." She pinched his cheeks and he scowled. It was a cute sight because he was always so intense looking but even he was powerless against his sweet old cook. Like a grandmother that nurtured her grandchild, it was obvious that Mugen had a soft spot for her and it was the sweetest thing.

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