Death Of A Female Chapter 1

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Death...a thing that most people fear the most. It could happen at anytime. Hi, My name is Bliss The Hedgehog. I'm known as agent 86697.

I help solve crimes and go undercover. Right now, we just discovered that there was a murderer on the loose. We mostly get calls about females getting killed.

No one has actually seen the murderer but most people say that they hear screams and stabbing sounds.

Right now, we are on our way to check out another murder crime. We got a call from this boy named Rake The Fox. He and his girlfriend, Sarah The Fox were on a date and they just left the restaurant.

After that, they went separate ways. But soon, he heard a very loud, painful scream coming from the opposite direction.

He recognized the scream as he ran towards the direction he heard it from. When he got there, he saw his girlfriend dead on the ground by the alley way.

He began to form tears as he began to call us. And that's where we're headed right now.

My friends, Vector, Espio and Charmy also work with me and they are gonna check it out as well.

When we arrived, we exit the car and walked towards the male fox who had tears in his eyes.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. It's all my fault. If I haven't taken her out to dinner. None of this would of happened." The fox continued to cry. Bliss walked towards him and hugs him.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Follow me to this car and we'll take you back to the station to ask some more questions. We'll do the rest from here."

"O-Ok." The other agents took him to the car and drove him to the police station to ask him some questions. Bliss turned her head and walked towards the dead body.

Blood was spilled everywhere and there seems to be a lot of stab wounds on her chest. But just like the last murder crimes, there was no clues or evidence.

Whoever the murderer was, they must of been practicing. There was no trace from them at all.

"See anything Bliss?" Espio asked.

"No. Nothing. It's like someone killed her with their bare hands."


"How are we gonna catch this jerk if we can't even find a clue?" Vector asked.

"I don't know but maybe we just need someone to sit out here and wait to see if they strike again."

"Yeah! Let's take them down!" Charmy said with a smile. Espio rolled his eyes while Bliss giggled.

I enjoy working with them. They make me laugh. Suddenly, the chief show up.

"Agent 35846. Anything to report?"

"No sir. There's no clues at all." Espio said.


"Afraid so sir but we'll do our best to catch them."

"Next time, for now, we need to get the body to the hospital and alert the parents."

"Yes sir." I watched as the body was being carried to the ambulance and then watched it leave. Why would this happen to these poor girls?

"Bliss? You coming?" Bliss turned her head as she saw Espio waiting for her.

"Yeah. I'm coming." Bliss got into the car and Espio began to drive. We arrived at the police station and we asked the male fox a few questions about his girlfriend.

He told us how they met, how they became a couple and how he asked her out on a date. And then that's when the tragedy happened.

He was so upset and kept believing that it was his fault. I felt so bad for him. He just lost the girl of his dreams. I would to if I was him.

But I'm not with anyone at the moment. Yup, you got it. A single hedgehog, doing a crime fighting job.

We saw his girlfriend's parents and told them what happened. They were heart broken and began to cry. I felt so bad. I see this all the time.

Almost every night. The male fox told them that it was his fault. He kept saying that he was the one that took her on a date and then the terrible moment happened.

He kept blaming himself over and over again but the girl's parents said that it wasn't his fault.

His parents came along as well and we were all discussing the same situation.

Soon, it was time for everyone to go home. Bliss walked home and climbed into bed and hopefully tomorrow, it'll be a better day.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Bliss: Welcome to the neighborhood.
Shadow: Nice to meet you.
Bliss: How are you Espio?

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 2. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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