Saving A Mobian Chapter 7

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The murderer was making out with the female on the bed when suddenly, they noticed that it was getting late. The murderer pulled away, panting a little while looking at her.

"I'll be back later babe."

"You and your little mission. When will it end?"

"Until my heart says so." The murderer kissed her cheek and left the house.

Meanwhile with Bliss and her friends, they were in a car, parked in front of the cemetery, waiting for the female fox to arrive.

"See anything Espio?" Bliss asked.

"No. You Vector?"

"Not really."

"I'm bored." Charmy said.

"We literally just got here 5 minutes ago." Espio said.

"I know but I'm still bored." Espio rolled his eyes and looked around until Vector spotted her.

"There!" We all quickly turned our heads and we saw a green female fox walking towards the cemetery.

"Let's get out and warn her." Before Bliss could leave, Espio stopped her.

"No. We're here to capture the murderer."

"But we have to warn her."

"If we warn her, she'll just run off and we'll never catch the murderer." Bliss thought for a minute and sighed a little as she continued to watch the mobian.

The female fox was carrying flowers as she walked towards one of the graves. She sets the flowers down with tears.

"Oh mother. I wish you were here with me. We had so many good times together."

"Then why don't you join her?" The female quickly turned around and saw the murderer.

"W-Who are you?"

"That's none of your concerns. I make your wish come true." The murderer said with an evil smirk as they held out the knife. The female gasped in horror. Bliss saw this and widened her eyes.

"Come on!" Bliss quickly got out of the car.

"Let's go!" Espio said as they followed Bliss. The female took a few steps back in fear as murderer kept walking towards her. The female tripped over and fell on her back and then the murderer grabbed her.

"Say hello to your mother for me." The female whimpered as she turned her head. Right before the murderer could hurt her, they heard a voice.

"Let her go!" They looked at Bliss and her friends who was glaring at them.

"P-Please. H-Help me." The female said in fear.

"Shut up girlie!" The murderer yelled

"Let her go and surrender!" Vector said.

"Yeah!" Charmy said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. There's still a hole in my heart that needs to be filled. And it will be once I have killed as many teenage females as I need."

"Not gonna happen!" The female stepped on the murderers foot hard, making him left go of her as she ran off.

"You little bitch! Get back here!" The murderer tried to follow her but Bliss got in the way.

"Leave her alone!"

"You better get out of my way."


"Get the murderer!" Espio said as Vector and Charmy grabbed the murderer.

"We got him!" Vector said.

"Get your dirty hands off me!" The murderer elbowed Vector on the chest hard and threw Charmy towards a dead tree. The murderer looked at Bliss.

"You will pay for this." The murderer quickly ran off. I'm

"Hey! Get back here!" Espio walked towards the scared female.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. Thank you so much."

"No problem. You should head home now. Call us if he comes back."

"I will." The female quickly ran home. Bliss looked at her friends.

"Well...we failed."

"But the good news is, we know it's a male." Charmy said.

"Not helping Charmy." Vector said.

"We need to get him to reveal himself somehow." Espio said.

"We all know that it won't be easy." Bliss said.

"Let's go tell the Chief." Espio said as they went back into the car and drove to the station.

Here's a sneak peek of the next Chapter:

Bliss: This is Shadow.
Espio: Where are you from?
Shadow: It was an accident.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 8. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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