I Still Love You Chapter 16

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One week later, Sonic was released from jail after the police and agents learned that Shadow was the one who caused all this.

He told them everything about why he did this and had his trial and was sent to 20 years in prison. Bliss still works as an agent but she was able to take a month off to adjust from all this.

She also just wanted to be careful around Shadow. But since he is now in prison, it's not gonna feel the same without him even though he did hurt her.

He did tell her why he did this and she felt kinda bad for him. So she decided to go visit him. When she arrived, She sat down and waited for Shadow.

A few minutes later, Shadow sat down in front of her and they were both separated by the glass but they grabbed the phones that was near them so they can talk.


"Why are you here? After everything I done to you?" Shadow said in a low tone.

"I...I don't know. I just...I just kinda feel bad. I know you probably didn't want to hurt me."

"I really didn't. I'm so sorry Bliss. I didn't want to hurt you and I hate myself for that. I shouldn't have done that. I'm really sorry. I can't forgive myself for what I did and no one else would either. I just know now that you'll probably never forgive me."

"I do though." Shadow was shocked.

"But I kidnapped you. I attacked your friends, I forced you to..."

"I know. But...I know that you were just angry with your life. You were just scared to be alone or to be hurt again and that's why you didn't want me to leave. I admit, I'm not happy for what you did to me but I can't stay mad forever."

"I'm really sorry Bliss. Once I get out of here, I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"And... there's something else you should know."

"What's that?"

"I'm pregnant..." Shadow was even more shocked.

"Oh my god Bliss. I am so sorry."

"No it's ok."

"No it's not ok! I made this happened! I forced you to do it and now I ruined your life!"


"I don't deserve you..." Shadow said as he lowered his ears.

"I can't even be with you to help the kid."

"I know but I have my friends who will help me and I will visit you all the time."

"You...You don't hate me? But why?"

"Because all you wanted was to find love. Sure what you did was wrong but I never had someone love me before. I want to be with you and help you change your ways into a better hedgehog." Shadow stayed quiet. He looked at her slowly and said,

"I still can't believe you still love me after everything I did."

"People can change for the good or bad and I believe you can change for the good."

"I don't know what to say."

"I love you Shadow. I want us to start over and have a better life as we can..." She place her hand on the glass as Shadow did the same over her hand.

"I love you too Bliss. I'm really sorry again."

"It's ok Shadow. The nightmare is over and we can try again and hopefully nothing like this happens again."

"I won't. I promise. I just want to make sure you are happy and that's all that matters."

"I'm gonna miss snuggling you."

"We'll snuggle again once I'm free. I'll miss you though."

"I'll miss you too."

"Time to head in!" The security guard said as Shadow looked at Bliss.

"Will you come back?"

"Of course."

"See you later Bliss. I'm really sorry." Shadow said as he walked away. Bliss slightly lowered her ears as he walked away. Vector, Espio and Charmy came in and saw this.

"You're still dating him?" Charmy said, shocked.

"Yeah but I'm sure things will work out now but hopefully for the better."

"Are you sure Bliss? I don't want him hurting you again." Espio said.

"I'll call you if he does but for now, I'll just have to wait and see."

"Take care Bliss." Vector said softly

"Thanks guys." They nodded and walked away.

"I'll miss you Shadow." She said to herself as she walked home. With Shadow, He was in his cell while looking at a photo of him and Bliss as he said,

"I'm really sorry I did this to you Bliss and everyone around me. I will now change my ways and become a better hedgehog once I come home. No one will ever be in danger again."

Hope you enjoyed the story! I might change some parts in the future but I'm not sure yet. If you haven't checked my other stories yet, you are welcome to if you like. Have a wonderful day guys! You guys are amazing!

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