~♥~ Chapter 1: Begin Again ~♥~

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"...I watched it, begin again."
-Taylor Swift.

I splashed water on my face, and felt the cool streams running down my cheeks. I looked up at the mirror. My eyes, which are usually a mixed shade of bluish green, now looked red and swollen to me. I sighed and wiped my face with a napkin. I slung my backpack across my shoulder and returned to my seat. I could hear announcements all around me. People rushed everywhere. Some were talking, some on their phones, and some reading books. I was the only who was having a sour face.

Airports were usually my favorite place to be. They had always signified the start of a new journey, a new adventure. But today, I was taking a journey I didn't really want to take.

I remembered just three hours ago when I was sitting in my room, still debating whether to go.

My twin brother, Liam, stood in the doorway, with his hands folded, looking tensed. "Don't think too much, Mia. You're going to be fine. And so am I." I rolled my eyes at him. "I know I'm going to be fine, Lee. I just, don't know why I'm not excited about this." I shrugged. He smiled. "You will be, once you enter college. Now lets go, we're going to be late otherwise".

I stared at him. He really looked a lot like me. Same hair, same eyes.The only thing that differed was our personalities.

I weakly smiled at him, and he took my bags. As he was loading them onto the car, I started it.

"Did you really think you could leave without saying goodbye to me?", A smooth voice said. I gasped, and my eyes became wide. I turned to the window, looking into the green eyes that I had always loved.

"Oh my god Jaden! Hi! What a surprise!". I exclaimed, practically shouting at a higher pitch. He chuckled softly. "Is it that much of a surprise? We dated for 3 years, Amelia".

I blushed. He knows I love it when he calls me that. Amelia is my actual name, but most people just call me Mia. I love him calling me that because it brings a different sparkle in his eyes.

"Yeah but still... you know... after... ",I hesitated. "After what? Our breakup? Mia, you know you still mean a lot to me. I could never let you leave without seeing your beautiful smile". He smiled and I blushed again. God, this boy. How could I not fall in love with him?

I got out the car, and hugged him tightly. He smelled of my favorite cologne, making it harder to let go. He got into the car with me, his warm hands holding mine.

I don't know what happened after that, everything was a blur. After the check in, my brother hugged me tight, tears brimming in his eyes. Jaden looking at me with a huge grin on his face. Me, definitely crying. "Call me as soon as you reach your dorm okay? ", Liam said, his voice cracking a bit.

I nodded and ran before either of them gave me any more reason to stay.

I snapped out of my thoughts, as I saw a line forming at my gate. I stared at my boarding pass. My flight to Luxembourg was about to leave in an hour. I picked up my backpack, and rushed to the gate.

As I stood in line, I thought, maybe this won't be so bad. Maybe this would be a happy journey. Maybe this would be a new and exciting adventure. Maybe. Just Maybe.

I squinted my eyes and used my hand to shield myself from the sun. I finally landed in Luxembourg, 25 minutes late.

I stretched my legs and took a breath. I don't even remember my flight. I guess I was too nervous about what would happen.

What type of a city will Luxembourg be? Will my dorm be clean? Will the bathroom smell? Will my roommate be decent, or a druggie? I shook my head at my own thoughts.

I grabbed my bag and rushed to the taxi stand. Keeping my bags in the rear space, I sat in the seat. As the taxi sped through the city, I was in awe.

It was a typical European city, with antique buildings everywhere. Even a simple department store looked beautiful and elegant. Tall hills surrounded me.

For a second, I saw a mighty castle rising above the trees. It was so beautiful, so royal, I couldn't help but stare. I had read somewhere that the royal family was still living there.

I wondered then, how it would be to live in a house like that. How wonderful their life would be, everything served to them with a silver spoon on a silver platter, literally.

My thoughts were interrupted by the driver, who was talking to me in French. " Sommes -nous ici?". I spoke in a very shitty accent. He smiled at me. "Yes ma'am. I do know English, you know", I blushed and apologized.

I paid him what I owed and got out. I stared at my dorm. It looked good from outside. Sighing, I went inside.

"Hi, how can I help you?", the girl at the front desk asked. I introduced myself to her and told her that I had a room there. She checked and handed me the keys.

Room 218. Okay, I can do this. I reached the door, and stood there. I could hear music blasting through the doors.

I took a deep breath, and knocked. A girl opened it. Thank God my roommate was a girl. She looked at me and then at my bag and again at me.

"Are you supposed to my roommate?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Um yeah. Hi." I replied in a nervous tone.

I wondered if she one of those 'mean girls' stereotypes they show in movies. But then she smiled sweetly which cleared that doubt. "Come in then!", she gestured to me to come inside.

I studied her when she had her back turned to me. She was short, around 5 feet 3 inches. And beautiful strawberry blonde hair, which was in a bun at the moment. It looked like she was unpacking too.

"So this is my bed, hence this my side, the other one can be yours.'' She said. I nodded, and kept my bag on the empty bed.

I scanned the room. It was a low ceilinged room, with two twin beds and one night stand in the middle. Two tall cupboards in the corner. A fridge.

''The name's Madisson by the way. You can call me Mads though.'' she said, grinning. "Amelia. Or Mia. Whatever you want to call me". I shrugged. I like the name Amelia. It's beautiful". She replied. ''Really? I think its too sophisticated for my taste.'' I said. "Sophistication looks good on you, Amelia." she said. I smiled at that.

I got up from the bed, and began unpacking my suitcase. When I was done, I took a soda which I kept earlier in the fridge. I saw Madisson tying her shoelaces.

''I'm going for grabbing some grub. You coming?'' she asked, without looking up. I was too tired to function anymore. ''Pass. I'm too tired." I replied removing my shoes and laid down on the bed.

''See you tomorrow then. Goodnight." she said, I think. I was already fast asleep by then.
A/N: Hey guys!!!!
So this story is writen by two people and this is the first chapter of our first story. Sorry for our rusty writing, but we hope to improve with every chapter! Let us know what you think :)

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