~♥~ Chapter 5: I Wonder ~♥~

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"And I wonder if you know
What it means, what it means
And I wonder if you know
What it means to find your dreams."
                                       - Kanye West

I enter my dorm room, just to see Madison slumped over the table with three empty glasses of coffee surrounding her and her, drinking the fourth.

"Coffee isn't strong enough",she mutters and she sees me.

"And hi to you too", I say.

" Lemme get another cup of coffee in my system and then I can talk properly, I guess", she says pouring herself another cup.

" I hate hangovers",she says.

"Everybody does Madison, everybody does", I say exasperated.

"Yeah yeah. By the way, where the fuck were you last night? I was worried sick.I called and texted you like, a gazillion times",she says.

" Oh. I made a new friend. I stayed over at her place because I thought you needed the night to yourself and your drunken stupor," I say innocently.

I have no idea why I chose to lie. This excuse just came out of me.

Madison scowls goes back to her bed while I shower and change for the day.

After doing so, I start cleaning out dorm. God it's a mess.

"Stop humming! It's too loud", Madison screams and throws a pillow at me.

"Sorry, I didn't realise I was.", I said sarcastically.

Annoyed from her shitty mood, I decide to call Liam and let him know that I'm alive.

"Hey there bro", I say trying to sound chill.

"Where the hell were you? You were supposed to call me the second you landed! I was so worried. I was gonna catch a plane to Luxembourg if you didn't call me in the next 24 hours! Amelia! What's gotten into you?", Liam starts shouting at the other end.

"I love you too Liam", I say hoping that'll get me out of this mess.

" I love you too Mia", he says, sighing and giving up. "Promise to never do that again?", he asks timidly.

"Pinky promise", I say, making a funny face and we start laughing.

"So how's life in Luxembourg? Did you make many friends? Did you meet any cute guys? Get some for me!", he says whining like a kid.

"Sure sure", I say, rolling my eyes.

"Mia, I gotta go to class now. I'll talk to you later?", Says Liam, pained to leave.

"Sure. Bye Lee. Love you loads!",I say and end the call.

I'll talk to Jaden later. Let's deal with pressing matters first. I think and shake my head as I look at a really hungover Madison.

I walk over to her bed,pull her sheets away and prod her in the shoulder.

" Get up! Get up! Get up!", I chant as a mantra.

"Go away!!", She tries to punch me .

I pull her out of bed and drag her to the bathroom to shower.

She takes an awfully long time to do so.

She comes out ,dresses up and gives me a frustrated look.

"Do you want me to do anything else ?",she says and scowls.

" We're going out for breakfast. Brunch actually", I say looking at the time.

" Whatever",she says scowling at me again.

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