~♥~Chapter 13: Paparazzi ~♥~

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"We are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastical"
- Paparazzi : Lady Gaga.

Amelia's POV

"Since when did chemistry become such a bitch ? I've been struggling with organic chemistry for hours now and I'm so fucking tired", I groan and close my books.

"It's gotta be done", says Madison.

"Easy for you to say. You're a straight A student who isn't pregnant ", I say.

"Woah, seems like your progesterone levels are really high and that's making you moody", she says and receives a glare from me.

Madison recently brought me books about pregnancy books, hoping that I would read them and prepare myself. But that did not happen. So, knowing Madison, she read them herself .

"Mads, I already puked twice since morning, and I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I don't need a pregnancy class now. I'm lagging behind in all of my classes too", I whined.

"Yeah right, you have those assignments coming up. Can't you just ask for an extension? Just tell them you're pregnant and hope they're humane enough.", she suggested.

"Telling them I'm pregnant is like telling the world I had unprotected sex. Fuck Phil and his crappy condom", I roll my eyes.

"Well, you did that already ", Madison starts laughing and I crack up too. Leave it to her to make me laugh.

Just then I hear my phone beep.

I can try to slip away from the castle, wanna go out?

"Who is it? ", Madison asks suddenly curious.

" Renée. And we're going out. You included.", I say.

"What! No no no no no!", she says.

"Yes yes yes yes yes.", I say childishly with an impish grin on my face.

" If I agree, do you promise to not drag me in any conversation what so ever. I can't talk to an uptight person.", says Mads clearly jealous of Renée.

" She's anything but uptight. She's really nice Mads. It would mean a lot to me if you came.".

"Okay. What are we gonna do? ", she asks.

" We're going to a mall!", I answer.

"Again, I'd rather die.", she says ,rolling her eyes.


"It's been so long since I came to the mall. God! I missed this place.". Renée says, way too enthusiastically. She was standing right next to Madison who seemed to hate her guts.

" Do you think if you breathe on me , I might catch your enthusiasm? ", Madison asks her, rolling her eyes.

Renée continues talking and I glare at Mads.

"She asked for it.", she mouths.

" I hope that I'm not boring you. I can be a bore at times", Renée says.

" You don't say.", Madison tells her, acting shocked.

" So, what do you guys want to do? ", I ask, trying to break the tension.

" I'm starving actually and if I'm going to listen about 'how amazing life outside the palace is ' for the third time, I'd rather do it with a full stomach.", Madison says, not caring that Renée was standing next to her.

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