~♥~ Chapter 15 : One Kiss From You ~♥~

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"Just one kiss from you, and suddenly, yeah
I see the road laid out in front of me
You give me strength, you give me hope
And when you hold me in your arms
You make me whole
And I don't know just what I would do
Without one kiss from you."
-Britney Spears

Queen's POV:

I button the top button of my shirt and look in the mirror one last time before leaving. I had to attend a very important meeting and I didn't want to look shabby. A queen is never late, nor is she ever unkempt.

"Nerissa! Penelope! Come in here right this second", I call out. Five seconds later, my two trusted Ladies in waiting, hurriedly rush through my door.

Nerissa tripped at the door frame but caught a hold of a vase to stop her fall, but instead took the vase with her. Penelope caught it in time.

"My sincere apologies, Your Highness", she said. Nerissa nodded in fear. "Now, this is nothing I've never seen before, is it?", I say, rather crossly. "Nerissa does some catastrophic event, and you save it, Penelope."

It was true. Those two nitwits usually mess up a lot. But they were the only two acquaintances that were close to me, so I tolerated them every single time.

"Well, do you think this attire is appropriate?", I say, changing the topic. They looked it over and nodded slightly. "So I'd thought."

"Your Highness, the rumours are absolutely true! The Queen of Algonia is definitely having another baby! And that too at the age of 47!", Nerissa exclaimed.

One more thing to know about these two was that they loved gossip. They probably had a network full of females like them who had different gossip from different countries, and they would meet and discuss them. Which they would sometimes press on to me.

"Doesn't that old hag have any other form of entertainment? This is her seventh child! Isn't her eldest son's wife expecting too?", I laugh.

"Yes, she is, madame.", Penelope said with a smile. I shake my head.

"While we're on the topic of pregnancy, Your Highness, we heard about Prince Philippe", Penelope says cautiously. I hesitate before replying.

"How many people are aware of this fact?" "Not one soul except us.", Nerissa says quickly. "Good. I intend to keep it that way." I get up to leave the room.

"But your Highness! Even though no one knows yet, it wouldn't take long for someone to find out. For how much time are you willing to keep it under wraps?", Nerissa asked.

This was correct. I couldn't keep it a secret for long. "But we have an idea-I mean, a suggestion." Nerissa suggests.

"Very well, let me hear it", I say, sitting down on the bed. "We thought, Your Majesty, that the Prince should get married as soon as possible. Once the child is born, we will hand it over to them and it's mother can visit once in a month or so.", said Penelope.

"But no girl will leave her kingdom to take care of a child that isn't even hers in the first place", I argue.

"That is true, madam. But what if the wife is not a princess?", she continues. I glare at her in reply. They know the rules.

"But, someone who is close to the Royal Family?", Nerissa finishes quickly. "Someone like, perhaps, Penelope's daughter, Hermione."

I say nothing to that. I get up from the bed and say, "It is a good suggestion. I'll think about it later." I see them smiling at each other.

I walk towards the door. I have some major thinking to do.


Amelia's POV:

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