~♥~ Chapter 21 : Adore You ~♥~

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When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy I adore, you
I adore, you.
                   - Miley Cyrus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Phil's POV:

"And booyah! I won", Eric exclaims.

"I let you win", I say, shaking my head at him. We decided to play football since we hadn't spent time with each other lately. Afterall, guys need to hang out too right?

"Yeah? You were so distracted today. I think I owe this win to a particular someone", he grins.

"Whatever", I roll my eyes in a terrible attempt to hide my blush.

"So how are things with her?Everything fine in paradise?", he asks as we make our way back to the palace.

"Things have been amazing since the ball. We are in a very good place in our relationship. A happy place", I answer, with a grin on my face.

"That's too lovey-dovey for me to understand. Maybe that's because you're speaking the secret language of looooove ", he jokes.

"That is so lame", I roll my eyes. "Things seem to have settled down for us".

"Seriously though, Talia is still here and I don't think that she'll let it be", he says, his face serious now.

I groan. Talia just refuses to stay away.

"You know what? After what she pulled off at the ball, she only ended up bringing Mia and me closer than ever", I say remembering out time at the balcony.

"What exactly happened that night? Did you tell her that you love her?", he questions.

"Not exactly, she now knows I have feelings for her", I say.

"You guys seriously need to go on a date though. Usually, the order is people date, then eventually get married and then start having a family. But with you guys -", I throw the football at his face. He catches it just as it was about to hit his face, and scowls.

"Man, you know I love you right? But don't go ruining my perfect face? ", he says.

I sigh. Eric can be so extra sometimes.

"Just take her for a date, will you? It's about damn time", he pleads.

"Fine, I'll text her later", I say.

"No, do it right now. Wait, I'll do it for you", he says and grabs my phone.

My dearest lover, will you bestow the honour of going out with me? ,Eric reads aloud as he types.

"What no! Who talks like that? Give me my phone", I say but Eric hits send.

"Here, you can have it now ", he says giving me my phone.

I try to unsend but Amelia has already seen it.

Jeez, chill, you don't have to get all wierd. 🙄
And yes, I'll go on a date with you.

Reading those words make me go red in the face.

"I'm guessing she said yes? ", Eric asks meekly.

"Yup ", I say texting Amelia back.

"Say 7 pm at the palace? ".

Amelia :
"Yeah, I'll be there. Can't wait. :)".

I smile. She's so adorable.

"See it worked. What would you do without me?", Eric sighs dramatically.

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