~♥~ Chapter 6 : Late ~♥~

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“I shoulda been more careful
When I let him rock my boat,
I stressin’ all day, everyday
Hopin’ it’s not the case 
I hope I’m just late”

Life moved on. Time didn't wait for anyone. It was like a river with a very fast current and we had no other choice but to flow with it.

I woke up in a sweat, feeling nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom, but nothing came out. Coming back to my room, I saw the time. It was around midnight. Sighing, I quickly went back to bed.

The next morning, Mads shook me awake. "Amelia! Get up! What is wrong with you? Are you sick?"

I groaned loudly. Madison was exactly like an annoyed mother who wakes up her child.

"I'm sick. Can't you see?" I whined and threw a pillow at her. "No, I can't. Now stop making excuses and get the fuck up!", she screamed.

Wow. She was surely in a feisty mood today. I made a mental note not to mess with her at all.

"Mads, I'm really sick. I can't go just for today. Please?", I said, pouting. "Fine. But just for this once. And if I see you somewhere on a secret date, with some boy, I'll scratch your eyes out. You hear me?", she said, finally giving in.

I nodded and went back to sleep.

The same thing happened again. I woke up, feeling nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom, and this time, I finally puked. Groaning, I brushed my teeth.

What happened? Why was I suddenly so sick? It must have been the sushi that I had yesterday. It tasted amazing but damn I regretted it now.

Feeling slightly dizzy, I went to my bed and opened my laptop. What to do? I opened Netflix to binge watch Stranger Things for the sixth time. God I love that show.

I was at the part where Eleven flips a freaking van like a badass, when I heard keys opening the door. I shut off my laptop and started cleaning my bed.

"Hey, there? How was your day?" I asked Mads, who kept her bag on the bed. "Terrible without you.", she replied, glaring at me.

I smiled at that. "Jeez, Mads. It's been two weeks since we came here and you're already addicted to me?", I teased.

She shot a sarcastic smile at me. Laughing, I asked, "What's the matter Mads? Didn't get to see that hottie Micheal today?"

She threw a pillow at me. "God Mia! I don't have a crush on him! Also I have my periods going on, so Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

Oh, now I get it. Thank God I didn't have my periods yet. That thought startled me. Why didn't I get them yet?

I rushed to the calendar and checked out the date. Holy shit. I should've had my period at the beginning of the semester, two weeks ago. Oh my god. Why am I late?

I thought about my time with Phil. I was drunk, but I do remember him using a condom. Very vividly.

So maybe nothing was wrong, and I was just late because of the stress and stuff.

I shrugged off the thought and turned to Mads, who now started telling something about a new girl in her class.

The same night, I puked again. In the morning, Mads herself told me to stay home. Now I was definitely worried.

I rushed to the pharmacy, a couple blocks away and purchased a pregnancy test kit.

Crossing my fingers, I tried it out. It usually takes 4-5 minutes to show the results, said the pack. Those were the most terrifying moments in my life. I kept my eyes shut.

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