~♥~Chapter 23: Wake Up Call~♥~

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"Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don't you care about me? 
I don't think so."
                              - Maroon 5


Amelia's POV:

"Let's take a break Amelia darling", Talia says in a sickly sweet voice.

"Uh, why are you being nice to me? ", I asked, puzzled. Something was definitely up. This must be a part of an another plot to get rid of me.

"Amelia, Amelia", she sighs and says.
"I don't know why you have such a low opinion about me? What have I done that gave birth to such hostility?", she asks. It was so hard for me to not slap her in the face.

"You're seriously asking me that? Okay, let me sum it up for you. For starters, trying to seduce my fiancé. And the multiple attempts at sabotage? What about about them Talia? ", I ask.

"What I've done is in the past now. Can't we just forgive and forget all that we've done to each other? ", she says, her eyes twinkling.

"Forgive and Forget? I'm neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimers. You're just a lying and manipulative bitch!", I yell.

"Amelia!", I here someone reprimand.

I turn and find the Queen glaring at me. I honestly didn't hear her enter the room.

" What's going on here? Talia, you called me to oversee Amelia's training. But I find you two quarelling like school children. And Amelia,if you want to be a part of this family you need to learn to respect people. You certainly can not talk like that anymore ", she chastises.

" I understand, Your Majesty ", I mutter.

"You can leave for the day", she says even though I got here like just half an hour ago. I curtsy and leave.

I'm so sure that Talia planned this. And now I think the Queen hates me. That sneaky bitch, Talia Marie needs to fucking pay someday.

Talia's POV:

" That girl is insufferable and is going to be a major disgrace to this family", the Queen sighs, shaking her head.

"Clarisse, with all due respect, I have to disagree. She's actually really nice and sweet", I say.

"Not based on what I just saw ", the Queen says. .

"I must have pushed her too hard", I say. " I should apologize to her ", I say. Me apologizing to Amelia?  Please.

" But it's her fault ".

" I need to be the bigger person here. It's fine", I say.

" You know,  I admire you. You're so kind and humble. Sometimes I think you would've been the perfect daughter in law for me if you and Phil hadn't broken up", she says.

"Now I have to deal with Amelia ", she  then makes a face.

I smile. It's better not to take this topic any further.

"Can you do me a favor? ", the Queen enquires.

"Of course, your Majesty", I say courteously.

"If you meet Phil, tell him he needs to send those financial reports for this quarter as soon as possible. It's urgent", she mentions.

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