Chapter 3- The Fight.

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        For the rest of the day, I holed up in my room. I shedded a few tears and even threw some things. But I felt Lissa's  feelings - worry and concern. About me. A couple of hours ago, we had a very bad argument. That, I should add I kind of started when she came and asked me for my favorite lip gloss. The exact same one that I should add Dimitri gave me after I had protected Lissa. 

        "No, you're not having my lip gloss!" I yelled at her.

        She had looked hurt at my outburst, and by god, it had hurt me to yell at her, but Dimitri had given me that tube of lip gloss. There were so many memories with him that I had and that I kept from Lissa- who is supposed to be my best friend in the whole world. "It's just lip gloss, Rose." She had said.

        I shook my head at her and said, "Lissa, it's not just lip gloss. It's a memory. Now, please just go. I want to be alone."

        She had looked at me with a wobbling lip, and her green eyes stared back at me. "Rose, please.. You don't want me to go. Let's talk about this. Please."

        Part of what she was saying sounded reasonable, like I should really take her word for it. Maybe I should talk to her about why I'm upset about the lip gloss.


        Finally, I figured out why I was thinking like that and had stepped back from Lissa and glared at her. "Lissa, you're better than that. You're not supposed to use your compulsion on me! We're best friends. Best friends don't use their powers on each other!"


        "You have been distant, Rose! It's seems like this is the only way I can talk to you now!" She shot back.


         "You have no idea what's going on with me right now. And if I don't want to talk about it, then accept it. Wait for me to open up, don't demand me to open up!"

        Lissa looks hurt. "Fine, don't tell me. Just wallow by yourself because I am done trying to understand what's going on with you, Rose." She pauses to contain her tears and her trembling voice. "When you figure out what you want. I'll be around!" She left, slamming the door shut behind her.

        I mentally screamed inside of my head. First Dimitri, now Lissa.. Can I ever keep a relationship? 

        As promised, a new chapter!! :D

        How do you like it so far? You think I should stop my other Vampire Academy fanfic and just go with this one?

        Let me know!

        -Melissa Brooke.

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