Chapter 12- "Rose And Dimitri ONE"

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Rose's POV

I don't think anymore. I just run, following the bond. I know I should probably alert someone, but when it comes to Lissa, I just can't. I take the stairs two at a time, and I see Mason come into view.

He notices that something is wrong and comes with me, running at my side.  

"Rose! What is it?"

It didn't really surprise me that Mason could keep up with me, but at this point, I kind of wish he didn't catch up with me. One thought came into my mind: Dimitri has Lissa.  I ran even faster as that thought ran in  my mind.  The wind whipped my black curls behind my shoulders, and I had a silver stake in my jacket pocket. Not that I would use it on Dimitri, but maybe Dimitri has allies with him in this.  I couldn't really risk it with Lissa being there, though. 

"It's Lissa!" I say to him, remembering that Mason had asked me a question. 

I pressed even harder as I thought of why Dimitri would take  Lissa. What did he want from her? She was his charge once.. Why would he want to endanger her for? What were his real motives for capturing her? The answer was clear as day.. He wanted to get me in the same room as him. The only way to do that was by taking Lissa and putting her as bait for me to run after her and save her. Damn him, he knew me so well. He knew me very clearly that he would know what made me jump into action. Lissa was one of those things.

Mason grabbed my hand, "Rose, you can't go in there and expect to take on whoever is there with Lissa. You need backup. Let's go to the Guardian's quarter and get back up before you act on it." He says.

I shook my head, and his hand on my arm felt warm. "I can't risk her safety.." I say. We have this expression : They Come First.   They had that ingrained on us since we began to talk and walk. 

Mason's eyes plead with me. He knows how I feel about Lissa, though. "Go to her.. I'll get the guardians, and we will go from there."

I smiled a bit and nodded, glad that he was letting me go, not that I needed his blessings to go and save Lissa. But oh well. I took off and shouted at him, " 412 Sydney Drive!" That's where Dimitri took Lissa. That's where he's keeping her, waiting for my arrival.

I arrived at the mark. I swallowed and grabbed my silver stake when I had arrived at the house. Okay, a house isn't really the right word, more of an abandoned warehouse.  I slipped into Lissa's head to get a better read of where she's at. Top floor, bound and very scared. She saw almost nothing but Dimitri. She cringed a little at his appearance once she realized who it was. But still even his eyes were unsettling to her- as they were to me when I first saw them.  

Dimitri was pacing back and forth. His dark hair was down and framing his face, but it looked stark in contrast to his pale face. Why did he turn Strigoi for? Was what Lissa thought as she sat in her chair. I wish I had an answer to that as well, Liss. I thought.  

Back in my own mind, I went into the building, and the floor boards beneath me creaked under my shoes, and I grimaced as I tried to be a little bit quieter than I was. Not wanting to say " HEY I'M HERE DIMITRI!"   I bit my lip hard as I take in the room before me: dusty floors and windows so caked with grime it's a wonder you could get any sun through it. I ascend the steps and make my footsteps light, just in case the stairs want to be creaky little bastards. 

I enter another room and I see that its door is wide open. I mentally say to myself, Dimitri's doing.. He's leaving clues for me. I go in and see Lissa strapped tightly to a chair, and I feel really relieved that she's not really hurt, despite her arm getting twisted when he grabbed her from the church.  I see Dimitri, and I lick my lips before I say, " So, you think you can just kidnap my best friend, not expecting me to go and find her. That's really low, comrade." 

He spins around, lighting fast and smirks. "I knew you would come, Roza.." His voice is so cold sounding it's a wonder it doesn't freeze the room from it.

I shake my head and drink him in. His face, his eyes. Red around the pupil.  "Why would you kidnap her?" I demand.

"Because I knew it was the only way to get your attention, Roza." He says like it isn't obvious enough.

So I was right.. "You didn't have to hurt her arm, Dimitri!" 

He just chuckled, and he made eye contact with Lissa. "Princess, did I kidnap you?"

I looked at Lissa and made my way to her, but Dimitri slammed me into a wall, and I blanked out.

How is it??

Thanks for my 1,000 reads on this!! 

I'm so excited!! :) 


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