Chapter 4- The "friend" Problem

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Three days later after my fight with Lissa, I walked to the gym and thought I would never go there and train with Dimitri ever again. I sighed and kept on walking. I turned a corner and literally jumped two feet in the air as Mason jumped out at me. I reacted quickly, putting my hands up to attack him.

"Mason!" I say. "You do not jump out at a guardian like that!"

"You mean Novice." He says.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Look, I gotta go and find Lissa.  We have to talk."

"Would you chill for a bit, Rose. Your always working, you know you should really rest for a minute or two." 

"Hey, when it comes to Lissa there is no rest." I reply. 

"Fine. You win, Hathaway. But anyways I hope your coming to the class at the end of the day."

"Mase, I'm very sure that I will be there. I can't get behind just because me and Lissa had a fight."

"Right."See ya later, Hathaway."

I shook my head and went to find Lissa.

Lissa was with Camille and a few other royals. Ugh, I thought as I went up to her. "Liss..." I pause, unsure of what to say. "Lissa, we need to talk later. Alright. I- I'll tell you everything later on. Everything."

Lissa gave me a quick nod and continued her conversation with the other royals.

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!!

More to come soon. But not as soon as I wish. I have school and things like that, so it's hard for me to write.

Thanks for the support on everything!

-Melissa Brooke.

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