For a heartbeat more, I felt my world shake and swerve. What in the heck did he mean by forgetting me? Was he implying that he was trying to get over me, or was he still in love with me? I had no clue. I stepped sideways and sat in an armchair. Worried that he might try something, but Dimitri would never do something like that, or at least I hoped he wouldn't.
His eyes never ever left me as I moved to the seat. " You look nauseated.." He remarked.
I bit my lip and looked away. There was slit of shade on his face, illuminating his red in the eyes. It looked almost the way they were before brown and warm, the way I knew them. But I knew that they were red, I was just hoping maybe it was just an illusion. Hell, maybe it is a dream. Maybe Dimitri and I were still together, and maybe everything will work out.. But no.. That's just a silly, unrealistic dream. One, I might add, is never going to be the same ever again.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I remarked dryly.
"No problem." He responds casually.
He could have been acting like himself, but his voice threw the comment sideways at me.. His voice was so cold and menacing.. Sometimes, I hate being in the same room as him.. To know I still loved him and that he's a Strigoi.. Well, in my mind, I probably would be sick. But, well, it is Dimitri...
I licked my lips and fought to stay calm. "So, uh, how are you?"
A piece of his hair had come untucked from his ponytail that was tied at the back of his neck and I fought to not push it behind his ear, knowing that he likes it when ever I did that. But his eyes searched mine, I'll bet to try to figure out my motives behind the question itself. It's something he is always good at.
"I'm great." He says evenly, looking at me with a small smile on his face, although it isn't warm.
I nod and tucked a piece of my own hair behind my ear. I smiled a little. "That's great."
He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his kneecaps, his duster floating beside him. I know what it is like to wrap into his duster, warm, and above all, his scent enveloped me whenever he let me wear it. He lips turned into a pucker, like he had just tasted something sour. "What are you really trying to do, Roza?"
I swallowed and said, "I'm not doing anything, Comrade. I'm just making small talk."
"You never talk small, Rose.. You usually just jump into the bad topics and then go from there."
I swallowed again and swore to myself. "Okay, how about this.. " I paused, trying to get my thoughts together. "Let me go, and I'll won't bother you again!"
"I can't, Roza.. It's too late."
"What do you mean it's too late?"
He moves so fast that I hadn't even blinked before my back was on the couch that he was sitting on. He was half covering my body and half on the couch. "I can't let you leave me, Roza.." He whispers against my ear.
I swallowed as he was so close to me. "Why?" I squeaked out.
His ice-cold fingers snake up my thigh, making me shiver. "Because I love you, Roza.. "
My heart hammered in my chest as I looked into his gleaming red eyes. "Well, guess what?" I paused for dramatic effect. "I don't like you or love you!"
At first, I thought he wasn't listening, but he moved his face to mine, kissing me hard. I instantly reacted to him, but I knew I had to do something. I had to get away from him. But I found myself wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him to me, while one of my hands slipped into his silk hair, the hair I loved touching. I moved his mouth open and tangled our tongues together til I hit one of his pointed teeth. I instantly pulled back, shutting my eyes. My breaths were coming out ragged.
He ran his hand up my waist, tucking it in the curve of my hip. I shivered as he did. "Dimitri.." I whispered.
He looked at me and smiled down at me. "What is it, Roza?"
"Please, just let me go.."
He chuckled. "I told you I can't."
"Well, then kill me!" I exclaimed.
He lost the humor - or as much of it as he had with him being a Strigoi and all. His hand grabbed my wrist, pinning it to the couch. His strength is supremely strong. It was a wonder that he didn't crush my bones. "Don't you get it, Roza.. I don't want you dead. And believe me, if I wanted you dead, you would be. " He smiled at this, like the thought of my death interested him. It made me shiver again. He bent his mouth and bit the side of my neck, drawing a tad bit of blood. He pulled back and smiled at me. "I want us to be together, Roza."
I felt the effects of his saliva working through me, making me go into a haze filled dream. But I opened my mouth to say one last thing before I truly go under, "I love you, Dimitri."
A couple of seconds later, I heard him say, "I love you too, Roza."

Va- I Still Love You ((Book One))- COMPLETED
FanfictionI don't own any of these characters!!!!!!! Plot: Rose is heart broken by what Dimitri is saying. That he has to leave the Academy and that he doesn't want to have anything to do with her, in that kind of way. While he's gone Rose goes out of contro...