I awoke in my dorm at St. Vladimirs Academy. Everything that had happened came back to me all at once, making me feel suffocated. I flipped the covers off of my body and jumped out of bed, going to the shower to make myself not think about what had occurred last night.
Once I was done I got dressed in a black tight long sleeve shirt and black pants with black boots and a purple jacket to go over it. I blow dried my hair and left to go find Lissa, who is my best friend. I also have to protect her at all costs. From the Strigoi and Moroi all at the same time. Which if you ask me, really kicks ass. I turn around and find a note under the crack of my dorm room door. Strange is the first thing that comes to mind. And my alertness kicks on as I open it up and start to read:
Dear Rose,
I hate to say this... But I have no choice in the matter. Since last night occured, I haven't been the same. I'm sure you can guess why though... I have tried to forget about what happened.. But I just can't. So I must go. Believe me when I say this, I really don't want to but I'm out of options.
Much love, D.
After I get done reading it I literally drop the envelope. No, this can't be happening... Dimitri can't be leaving... He's suppose to be Lissa's guardian. He can't just reassign can he? Suddenly I rush out of the room and out into the hallway, where there is plenty of Dhampirs here. I push my way through them as if I might not see Dimitri again. And really, that's what's probably going to happen. But it just can't! He can't just go!
I rush to the front desk, breathless when I finally arrived. The lady looks at me like I'm crazy but says, "Rose, can I help you?"
I nod and say, "Dimitri.. I need to see him. Call up to his room. Tell him I need to talk to him, right away."
She makes a phone call- and I pray that's it's Dimitri she is calling and not Mrs. Kirova. Three minutes later Dimitri comes down the hallway in his usual attire: His brown leather duster and a black shirt with black pants. His brown hair that sometimes looks black at times is down, hanging around his shoulder and framing his face.
"Rose..." He says wearily. "Everything alright?"
I pull him to the outside of the main building and give him a long look before I began my "Rant". "Why in the hell would you leave?" I meant to yell it but it didn't come out quite that way... It came out more as a whisper than a yell.
He looks down at this and cleared his throat, making eye contact with me. " It's not wise for me to do what I did. You, of all people should know what I'm talking about." I actually did know what he was referring to, but I just didn't care. I cared about him so much that it hurt me at sometimes.
"Wise!?" I shot back. "You couldn't help what happened. It was the spell making you do what you did! You don't have anything to be ashamed of, Dimitri."
"Yes, I do." He says calmly.
A hundred different things went through my mind. What could he possibly be ashamed of? Me? Or that we almost had sex?
I shake my head and say," Fine. Leave if you must. But... But if you ever think that we are going to get together your wrong all the way, comrade!" I turned around and ran from before he could see the tears swelling up in my eyes.
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Thanks again!!

Va- I Still Love You ((Book One))- COMPLETED
FanfictionI don't own any of these characters!!!!!!! Plot: Rose is heart broken by what Dimitri is saying. That he has to leave the Academy and that he doesn't want to have anything to do with her, in that kind of way. While he's gone Rose goes out of contro...