1 ~ embarrassment

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"Hey! Jackie we're gonna be late!" 

With a loud groan I sit up in my bed. Not school again...
The sound of a car honking makes me furrow my eyebrows and I jump out of bed. It can't be my mom, she starts working early in the mornings!

Looking out the window I see a black Porsche standing on the parking lot to my house. My two best friends sit inside, waving to me. 

"Where the fuck did you get that car from?!" I scream, leaning out the window. I don't own a car, neither do my friends. And a Porshe? Seriously?...

"We stole it!" Andrea grins and patts the wheel proudly.
I shoot my eyes open and make a grimace. "Really?"
"We didn't steel it smartass. It's my mom's!" Sofie laughs and waves for me to hurry down.
"Just wait a sec! I have to make myself ready!" I shout before closing the window which gives away a loud shriek.

I put on a grey college shirt and some blue jeans while brushing my teeth. I hear the car honk every ten second and I start to get worried my whole neighborhood will wake up...

"Finally!" Sofie grins as I jump into the backseat to the car.
"Why such a hurry?" I breath out and put on the seatbelt.
"It's the start of the schools football season!" Andrea says with a squeeking sound.
"And?....." I mutter.
"That means we have no lessons during the whole day! Have you been living under a stone Jackie?" she laughs.
"It's still school, and staying the whole day on the football field isn't even fun." I grunt.

We drive to school, listening to excessively happy country songs and singing along to the lyrics.
I met Andrea and Sofie a year ago, when we started High school. I don't have many classes with them but we hang out as often as we can.

The school's parking lot is filled with students wearing our football team's merch. There are balloons everywhere and people chatter with each other.
I get out of the car and look around, all students are walking toward the field. I amble up to Andrea and Sofie and we look at each other with exciting gazes. 

"First to the grandstand is the best!" Sofie cheers and begin to run thru the crowd. I sprint after her and push myself through the mob. No way I am gonna lose this!
The sound of my heavy breathing drowns in the sound of music playing from speakers. I run over the green field, sprinting past stands and groups of people. I look up and see a balloon hover in the sky...

Bang! I run into something hard and tall and my view gets dizzy. I stumble backwards and almost fall but someone grabs my arm and yanks me to my feet again.
"Jeez watch it." the person mutters. I swallow when I see that it is Leo. The guy who every girl has a crush on, even though they don't dare to admit it. (I don't have a crush on him obviously). His dirty blonde hair is kinda messy, but still very attractive. Even though I had ran into him he stands steady like a rock on the ground.

"Sorry." I stutter and look down on my arm. Leo still has a tight grip around it. He grins and loosens the grip slowly before letting go. I cringe when he leans his head closer to mine.
"Watch where you're running next time." he whispers into my ear.
I nod and look down at my feet. Why do I always have to embarrass myself?

With slow steps I walk toward the large grandstand. I had catched a lot of eyes when I ran into one of the most popular guys in school.

It takes me a while to find Andrea and Sofie. They are sitting on the second row of the grandstand and I sit down next to them with flushed cheeks. They stare at me in confusion.

"Where the heck did you go?" Andrea asks.
I shrug. "I ran into some dude."
"Oofff." Sofie says with an empathic grimace. "Who was it?"
I hide my face in my palms. "Leonardo."
Andrea and Sofie burst out laughing. "Damn girl that's embarassing."
I give them a deadly eye and roll my eyes. "Shut up."

The principle has a short speach before students from the cheerleader team start selling drinks. It is the beginning of April and I am already sweating because of the strong sunlight. A cold drink would fit just perfectly. I buy a Coke and take a sip. Ahh, there is nothing better than Coke.

I see Leo sitting on a bench not too far from where I am sitting. I can't stop staring at him, his blonde hair looked golden in the sun and his face... ok, I need to stop.
Andrea giggles and wiggles her eyebrows when she sees me staring.
A group of cheerleaders walk past Leo, and I watch him as he starts to flirt with them.
Jeez, dudes these days are weird.


"I'm gonna go and buy a drink." I tell Andrea and Sofie. It is lunchtime and we have just finished our meals. Students are sitting on the field or on the grandstand while eating. It is peacefull and I enjoy the time I get to spend with my only friends.

I walk to a stand where some cheerleaders are selling sodas.
"Can I have a Coke?" I ask with an uncomfortable smile.
One of the cheerleaders opens a box and picks out a drink which she hands to me.
"That's one dollar." she says, chewing on a gum in her mouth over-dramatically.
I search my pocket. Shit. I only have fifty cents left.
"Never mind. I forgot I didn't have any money left." I say with a fake chuckle.

Someone suddenly walks up next to me with a dollar in their hand.
"I'll pay for her."
I furrow my eyebrows when I see it is the one and only Leonardo Dicaprio. He looks down at me with a smirk and I feel my hands start to sweat.
"Thank you." I say in a stern voice.
"No need to say thanks, you look like you need a drink." Leo says with a wink. He grabs the Coke from the cheerleader who looks at him with large eyes. 
"I do?" I ask and tilt my head to the side.
"Well thank you then." I say shortly.
"Like I said, you don't need to thank me."

We stand there for a slight moment, just staring at each other. It feels awkward but Leo seems to have fun. He still holds the drink in his hand.
"You feeling better?" he asks.
"What?" There is clearly something wrong with this dude.
"You looked pretty dizzy when you ran into me earlier, sweetie." Leo chuckles.
"Okay." I murmur. Why did he just call me sweetie?
"Do you still want the drink?" Leo questions.
I shrug. "Seems like you want to keep it to yourself."
"Nah, I prefer Sprite."
Leo opens the soda with his teeth and then hand it to me.
"Thanks." I mutter. Who even prefers sprite over coke?... Weird guy...

I turn around to walk away but Leo stops me.
"By the way, I saw you staring at me earlier." he says and wiggles his eyebrows.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lie, trying to play it cool, but my heart is racing. I'm sure he can see the fast movements of my chest.
Leo laughs. "Stop lying."
I roll my eyes at him. "Shut the fuck up." Oh my god, language Jackie! You never swear!?

While walking away I turn my head and wink at him. "Thanks for the soda!" 

Then I trip on my own feet and I am close to embarrassing myself for the second time today. I blush as I hear Leo's low chuckle from behind me. I hate that guy!

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