6 ~ kissing

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"Are you coming?"

I open my eyes, only to see that Leo has started walking towards the parking lot. W-what? He didn't kiss me?

I bump down on the other side of the wooden table and lean my chin on my fists while watching Leo chew on his thumb-nail.

"So what's up with you and Winston?" I ask.

Leo sighs and gives me a fast glance.
"He's just irritating." he sneers which makes me roll my eyes. 
"Can't you just be happy for me that I actually have people who're interested in me?"

"Interested in you?" Leo laughs in a cocky tone. "He's not interested in you at all, come on you have to get that. He just sees you as a challenge."

"No, he doesn't. He actually wants to get to know me."

"Mhm, so he can use it against you later. After you've slept with him, he'll throw you away like the others."

I can't do anything but gape. Winston doesn't want to sleep with me! He- he wants to be my friend! 

"Isn't that exactly what you do to every girl too?" I confront Leo which makes him snort.

"Yeah, that's why I know what his plan is and I'm asking you to stay away from him."

"Then I should stay away from you too." I smirk and lean forwards over the table.

Something lits up in Leo's eyes and he leans forward too. "I'm pretty sure you don't want me to stay away." he purrs.

"I'm pretty sure you don't want to stay away." I correct him.

"And why is that you think?" Leo whispers and his eyes trace down to my lips. We both leaned closer over the table until our breaths mold together.

"I- I don't know..."

"Promise me you'll stop hanging out with him." Leo purrs and I swallow.

"I- I promise."

Leo's lips crashes against mine and I completely fall into his soft lips. Wow. He brushes his lips against mine and I groan. It's a pleasant groan.

He breaks the kiss, but I keep my eyes closed. I can feel his breath on my neck, his nose sliding along my cheek... 

"Mmm." he breaths which makes my whole body shiver.
I feel his hand brush my hair back, so his lips can trace over my cheekbone

"What do you wanna'-" I begin, but his lips leave a wet spot on my skin and I loose my train of thoughts. 
"Yes?" he breaths.
"Umm." my voice cracks, embarrassing me. "What do you want to do?"
I feel the tremor of his breath on my nose as he laughs. "Uh..."

I open my eyes and meet Leo's curious gaze. He waits for me to say something but tilts his head to the side as I stay quiet.

"Are you scared?" he asks.

"Should I be?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"I don't think so." he mumbles.

I swallow and Leo must see the fear in my eyes because he grabs my hands and holds it in between his own. He has large hands...

"What's your favorite color?" I ask which makes Leo lean back and shrug. 

"Purple probably."

"Mine is red." 

"Good to know." Leo says in a mocking tone which makes me smack his arm.

"Favorite movie?" I ask.

He exhales a loud sigh. "Ugh, depends what mood I'm in."

"Mine is Dear John."

"What's that?"

"You haven't heard of it!?" I burst out. 

Leo rolls his eyes. "Let me guess what it is about. It's a stupid romantic movie from the 10s about a super cool guy falling for this cute, innocent girl. Then she starts liking him back. But then they fight and one of them almost dies, because of the other one! And then they forgive each other and get back together in the end."

"No. But quite a good try. We could watch it together?"

"I don't think so." he presses his lips together in a smile which makes me furrow my brows at him. Okay... Rude?

"If you watch it with me sometime... I'll buy you an ice cream." I give him a big, dorky smile.

"That's a pretty good deal." he murmurs, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Then come!"

He stands up and I clung myself onto his arm and jump over the pavement, pulling him after me. 


"Thanks for the ice cream." Leo grins as he drops me off by my house. 

"Thanks for agreeing to watch the best movie ever with me." I smirk which makes him shake his head, before winking at me and then driving away.

Man... I think I'm falling for this guy.

Love ~ Leonardo Dicaprio fanficWhere stories live. Discover now