11 ~ shock

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Jeez... Sometimes friends can be too annoying! I was standing in one of the school's corridors with Andrea and Sofie. I didn't understand a word they were saying. First they were talking about Leo, and how happy they were for me. That was fine, until they started asking me if we've had sex yet. Why is that the only thing people care about!?

"Listen guys, I really don't want to talk about this." I muttered and leaned against a locker.
Andrea narrowed her eyes and sighed. "We need information about your relationship! But you're not telling us anything!"
I rolled my eyes and looked away from Andrea's pouty face. Suddenly I saw Leo walking through the corridor with a grin on his face. Everyone in the hallway seemed to look at him with dreamy eyes, wishing that he would one day talk to them. A few girls even turned around to stare at him for a while, before they started to whisper with each other. Leo didn't seem to pay any attention to all the stares, I guess he was used to it.
When he saw me he squinted his eyes and the corners of his mouth turned into a smile. He pulled his hands through his dirty blonde hair and started walking toward me.
"Shhh!" I hissed, interrupting my friends as they spoke. "He's coming."
Andrea and Sofie turned quiet and stared at Leo with big eyes. He arrived to us and placed his arm around my shoulders. I shivered, still not used with Leo being my boyfriend.
"Hi." Leo chimed and looked from Andrea to Sofie. Then he turned his gaze and stared at me with his blue eyes. "Do you wanna' go?"
I raised my eyebrows with a confused grimace. "Where?"
Leo shrugged with a sigh. "We can go to my house?" he proposed.
As Leo and I walked away I heard Sofie whisper to me quickly: "don't forget to use protection!"

"What did she say?" Leo asked as we sat down in his car.
I put on the seatbelt and then scratched my neck, a red color spreading across my face. "Nothing."
Leo smirked and clicked his tongue, while he drove out of the parking lot. I pressed my lips together and sighed. Had he heard what Sofie said?

"How many girlfriends have you had?" I asked out of nowhere. We were closing up to Leo's house and we hadn't spoken much. Leo furrowed his eyebrows and gave me a fast glance. "What?"
I inhaled a deep breath with a shrug. "I'm just wondering."
Leo's face turned into a grimace and he seemed to think. "I dunno'. A few I guess." he started. When I didn't answer he continued: "But it never lasted for long. You're my first real girlfriend."
I chuckled and hit Leo on the shoulder. "Niiiice."

We arrived at Leo's house and I jumped out of the car. To my surprise he remained in his seat, staring at the phone he held in his hands. I walked to his side of the car and knocked on the car window. He opened the door and looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"I have to help some friends." he said. "They're in problem." he continued with a sigh.
I raised my eyebrows. "Uhh, okay?"
Leo gave me the key to his house and said that he would be back in fifteen minutes. I looked after Leo's car as he drove away.

It felt weird to be the one opening Leo's front door and stepping into the big hallway. I slowly walked up the staircases and into Leo's bedroom. With a sigh I looked around in the large room, searching for something I could do. I looked at Leo's dresser, thinking about looking what's inside. Biting my lip I slowly walked up to it and rested my hands against the wooden surface. Was this wrong? I thought as I opened the drawer. It was messy inside, like someone had just threw everything in. I found some interesting things. A package with condoms inside. My face turned red and millions of thoughts appeared in my mind. I wondered when the last time it was that he used them. And who he had done it with.

My eyes searched the drawer and I saw a whole bunch of photos laying in seperate frames. I lifted one of them up to my eyes and my mouth fell open. In the picture stood a young boy, maybe nine years or so, on a basketball court with a ball in his hands. The boy had dirty blonde hair and he was smiling, eyes narrowed. His hair was hanging over his forehead and he looked happy. It took me a while until I saw that it was a young Leo. He was very cute when he was young. Next to him on the picture stood a girl in the same age. She had brown hair and a large grey shirt. She was very cute, and like Leo, she had a smile on her face. I stared at the picture for what felt like ages.

My heart was beating faster and I wondered who this girl was. I put down the photo and took up the next on in the stack. In this photo Leo stood next to the same girl. They must have been around eleven years old then. You could only see their faces on the picture and they were making funny faces to the camera. Leo's hair was much lighter than it was now and they both looked young and happy.
I picked up another photo and my body froze. I felt a lump in my throat and I tried to swallow it. On the photo stood Leo next to the brown haired girl. They must have been fifteen on this one. What made me sad was what they were doing on the picture. They were standing on a beach, hands interlocked. The girl was making a grimace and Leo had his lips pressed against her lips.

I heard someone open the front door to the house and someone stepped up the staircase. I didn't bother to put down the photos. I was sitting on the floor, the pitcures in my hands, as Leo walked into the room. He looked from my face, down to my hands. He swallowed as he saw what I was holding.
"What is this?" I whispered.

Sorry for not updating this story much! I'm working with another Leo fanfic, which is much better than this one. I actually have big plans for that story and I will soon start publishing it! Anyways Ima' try to upload more often. Hehe. Please tell me what u think about this fanfic😎💩

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